Archive for the ‘Occupational Therapy’ Category.
A friend asked “Howareya?” My response:
Grad school (Samuel Merritt OT Master’s program) application was crazy.
3 classes:
* Stats is harder than I remember
* My Abnormal Psych Professor has some weird issue with me
* Interpersonal Communications is actually kinda fun
volunteering at Occupational Therapy clinic in Sausalito… the ferry ride is great, the profession is very interesting and worthwhile
Had trouble with Unemployment AGAIN… they faulted me for trying to save them money so I had to see a judge… the judge said, “WTF is EDD trying to do here? You’re good.”
Girlfriend situation is going very well.
gotta study for the GRE for my next grad school application (San Jose State OT Master’s program). San Jose State costs $20k, Samuel Merritt costs $80k. San Jose is my first choice school ;-)
With huge help from Megan, and her great friend Rachel, I submitted my application to the Samuel Merritt University Master of Occupational Therapy Program tonight!
“That was an innovative and original presentation you gave. Can I have your lesson plan so I can show other facilitators?”
That’s what my Interpersonal Communications professor said about the presentation that my classmate and I put on tonight. :-)
Oh my, I’m nervous. I’d better start studying.
Why am I taking the GRE’s you ask?
I am applying to grad schools! My application to the Samuel Merritt University Master of Occupational Therapy program will be submitted in a few days. My application to the San Jose State University Master of Occupational Therapy will be submitted at the end of this semester!
Here’s a photo from my commute last week.
Nice, eh?
I’m commuting on the SF->Sausalito ferry to my Occupational Therapy Center volunteership. I’m upping from once a week to twice a week starting next week. Right now I travel:
Home –> Bart to Embarcadero –> Ferry to Sausalito –>bike to office.
It takes about 1 hr 10 minutes, costs $6.85 with about 1.5 miles of biking each way.
I’m going to try and bike the whole route, which involves a 12.8 mile ride going over the Bay Bridge Golden Gate Bridge! It should take about 1 1/2 hrs each way.
I applied to the DMI (Diagnostic Medical Imaging) program at CCSF in August. They’ll get back to me in November with a Yay/Nay. Right now I’m pushing hard to get into an OT (Occupational Therapy) program at San Jose State. I’m working, taking prerequisite classes, studying for the GRE, and volunteering in OT (starting volunteering this week!) this fall! I apply in January. I’ll know a month or two later for entry in September!
And this week I worked for Kern a little buying and maintaining computers and did a full week of one-on-one teaching at the Crucible. I taught Simone Electromechanics, Arduino Microcontrollers, and Flame Effects! It was a blast!
How I know I have O+ blood:
One section of taking Physiology over the summer was on blood. I gotta say that pricking myself with that lancet by hand totally sucked. I’ve got to get better at that.
(Previously: Chemistry Money Shot)
I’m considering becoming an Occupational Therapist. If you are one or have a friend in the field, I would love to speak to them about it!
If I go for it, there’s a master’s degree in my future that may take two years or more to get, so I want this to be a solid decision. Comment or email me at Lee at Lee dat org!
What is Occupational Therapy?
In brief, Occupational Therapy is concerned with helping people get back to doing whatever their “occupation” is, things like teaching an injured person how to brush their own teeth again, keeping an elderly person independent, and modifying classroom equipment for a disabled child. It’s pretty wide-ranging!
If you’ve been following along, I’ve been gunning for an Associates Degree at CCSF in Radiography. This Occupational Therapy thing would be instead of the current path. Just about all the prereqs crossover to both programs. There is no guarantee I’ll make it into the Radiography program. 130 applicants –> 30 spots in Radiography. Megan suggests that Occupational Therapy is more engaging and more appropriate for me; besides, it pays better and might just take the same amount of time to complete.
Today I submitted my application to City College of San Francisco for their Diagnostic Medical Imaging Program. If accepted, I might spend 2 1/2 years learning how to be a Radiographer. Wish me luck!
I helped a friend connect with some new passions. – D. writes “Seriously, it’s funny how I’ve been stumbling around in my own little world on how to do music-light-flame art that can be interactive, rather than a passive audience, and here you’ve shown me a whole community working on PID (Physical Interactive Design) for Music.”
EDD problems resolved – I can take a few classes at City College as long as they don’t interfere with work at the Crucible. My classes are generally during the day and I teach generally at night. And most importantly, “job offers” at the Crucible are rarely “bonafide offers of work” since they are almost always contingent upon us having enough students.
Megan loves me :-)
I found a nice outfit for a wedding a few weeks ago – good clothes are nice!
I found a good physiology class – I had a teacher I didn’t jell with so I switched and it was awesome
I’m set to apply for Diagnostic Medical Imaging (DMI) in August
Megan’s suggestion to apply for an Occupational Therapy (OT) program is a good one, I’m checking it out
I know I don’t like Radiation Therapy (RTT) – My dad had suggested I look into it as a career; I went forward with allied health and just recently got to shadow some folks at CPMC Medical Center. Yow! That is not for me!
I converted the miles on a new credit card to dollars and I’ve got $500 free money burning a hole in my pocket
Not having a car for the last 3 months has been OK (except for hurting my knees on my bike! but I’ll figure that out)