Archive for the ‘Occupational Therapy’ Category.

Occupational Therapy Update

I’ve been doing a bit more volunteering in Occupational Therapy. I’m volunteering at the Spectrum School in Hayward, a non-public school for kids with autism. It’s been a really good, albeit intense experience.

Can you help me find adult or geriatric OT where I can visit and volunteer at?  I’m still looking for a bit more volunteering.

Just finished taking a Library Research class at College of San Mateo. This “A” (hurray!) will push out some older grades on my “last 60 units” list, bringing my GPA from a 3.67 to a 3.87

I’ve got to start studying for the GRE again soon! I’m hoping to take the GRE in September.

I’ve got got rewrite my application to let it shine brightly.

I’m hoping to apply to  San Jose State on October 1st when admissions open.

In Light of Recent News

In light of recent news, maybe it’s best that I didn’t accept the offer to go to CCSF’s Diagnostic Medical Imaging program. I would have been at the start of my second and final year of the program. Right now, there’s no telling if the program would be accredited. It’s still all up in the air though!

Accreditation Revoked for City College of San Francisco

Oh shit. I just got this email from City College:

We have received the decision from the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges. The Commission has decided to terminate City College of San Francisco s accreditation effective July 31, 2014, approximately one year from now…

I have come to appreciate City College tremendously. It’s a good place and fine place.

I hope the college survives this meat grinder!

Read this article by Nanette Asimon at SFGate for the full story.
This is an excellent accounting of a complex issue. Thank you Nanette. Find @NanetteAsimov on Twitter.

(local archive)

(07-03) 15:01 PDT SAN FRANCISCO — Beset by mismanagement and unable to persuade overseers that it had repaired extensive problems, City College of San Francisco will lose its accreditation a year from now and its elected Board of Trustees will be stripped of decision-making powers, the college learned Wednesday.

The decision by an accrediting commission allows the college of 85,000 students – one of the largest in the nation – to stay open until at least July 31, 2014.

City College is expected to appeal the decision. State law prohibits taxpayer funds from going to unaccredited institutions, so if the commission’s decision stands, the college would likely be forced to shut its doors.

The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges is expected to install a state-appointed special trustee as head of the community college. The trustee, Robert Agrella, has been advising City College during its yearlong struggle to remain accredited and in business.

“It’s shocking and outrageous, given the massive changes we’ve made,” said John Rizzo, president of the City College Board of Trustees. “We’ve reorganized every level of the management structure, in every department. We’ve cut pay. We’ve funded the reserve for nine years.

“This is really bad for San Francisco.”

The stunning verdict makes City College only the second public community college in California ever to lose its accreditation. The first, Compton College, had its accreditation revoked in 2006. It was then absorbed into a neighboring community college district.

Students who attend an unaccredited institution are ineligible to receive federal or state financial aid, and their diplomas often mean little to employers seeking skilled employees.

The accrediting commission is a private, nonprofit agency, and one of six regional accrediting bodies overseen by the U.S. Department of Education. The commission that accredits community colleges in California has 19 voting members, mostly college chancellors, faculty and education experts, and is supported by dues from member colleges.

The commission placed City College on the most severe sanction a year ago and warned that it could lose its stamp of approval.

It cited a broken system of governance and fiscal planning in which a skeletal crew of administrators and bickering employees failed to make necessary budget cuts, even as state funding dried up. Over the years, the college constructed sparkling buildings while neglecting such basic needs as computers and campus maintenance, the commission said.

The commission gave City College eight months to show why it should remain accredited, a deadline that expired in March. The commission then spent the spring deciding whether the college had made significant steps toward fixing its problems.

So for a long, nail-biting year, college faculty, staff, administrators and even students worked to attack and repair every deficiency.

Thousands of people depend on City College for a leg up into the middle class. The school produces hundreds of paramedics, phlebotomists, restaurant workers, nurses, firefighters, police and more each year that keep the Bay Area’s economy humming.

Hundreds of other students earn credits for transfer to university, often the only way they can afford to attend college. The college is also a essential location for immigrants to learn English and for senior citizens to find intellectual stimulation through music and art, memoir-writing and useful classes like nutrition education.

With City College nearly bankrupt last fall, college officials persuaded voters to approve a parcel tax for the school that, combined with tax money from Proposition 30, put the school back in the game.

But money alone wasn’t the college’s problem.

College officials likened their repair efforts to changing tires on a speeding car.

They unilaterally cut pay and entered into battle with angry faculty in a labor dispute that has yet to be resolved.

They reorganized the management structure in every department, also in opposition to department chairs, many of whom would be required to give up leadership duties and return to the classroom. The dispute with the chairs’ union settled this spring.

To fix the college’s tangled decision-making structure, college trustees dismantled a decades-long system of faculty leadership over the strong objections of employees.

They eliminated a multi-headed hydra of 46 committees that, instead of facilitating decisions, often served to obstruct and control them, and replaced it with a more streamlined approach to “shared decision-making,” more like the concept embraced by colleges and universities nationwide.

They pumped up their reserves and established a nine-year fiscal plan.

But in the end, it wasn’t enough.

Occupational Therapy Described In Verse

A bunch of friends have asked me what the heck Occupational Therapy is. Here’s a music video that tells all.

(previously: Lee looking for help getting OT work)

Looking for Occupational Therapy Aide Job or Internship

This is very important to me. I’m looking for a job or internship as an Occupational Therapy Aide or Physical Therapy Aide. I’d love to hear from you if you can help. I need it to round out my experience before applying to graduate school.

Last year I volunteered at a pediatric occupational therapy clinic in Sausalito. And this spring I finished taking all the prereq classes I might need to get into an Occupational Therapy Master’s program. I want to get a job as an Occupational Therapy Aide so I can increase my experience and better prepare myself for the degree program I hope to enter next year. I plan on applying to San Jose State, Samuel Merritt University, and Dominican University

I really enjoyed working at the pediatric clinic but to round out my experience, I think I would do well to be at an adult or geriatric clinic. If you might be able to point me in the right direction, or you might be able to grant me an informational interview, please drop me a line!

Credit by Exam or: How to Get a Bachelors Degree in 6 Months

I met a guy named John who has plenty of education but from a school that wasn’t accredited. Now he’s trying to get into a master’s program like I am. So he figured out how to test out of almost all of a college degree!

This is useful if you need to pick up some classes that you already know, or if you are a super genius and can study for college at home, or need just the right summer class to round out your prerequisite classes. I am in the last camp.

Here are some links that point to some great Credit by Exam resources. John used these programs to great effect. I haven’t used them yet but certainly might this summer.

great link for college degree planning       Degree Forum is the site for those people utilizing credit by exam and applying those credits to degrees

Excelsior College in Albany     The largest of the schools accepting up to 120 credits.for their degree programs

Thomas Edison State College in New Jersey  TESC also takes 120 credits toward their Bachelor’s degrees     The first website dedicated to Credit by Examiniation  An excellent resource for free   CLEP DSST ECE prep materials

I Rocked the GRE!

I took the GRE today. I got my score for most of the test back. I rocked it!
The other part will take about 2 weeks to grade, but I think I rocked that too. What does that mean? It means I can apply to San Jose State’s Occupational Therapy Master’s program!

It was a completely grueling test. And the last couple weeks of studying have been really rough. The worst part is now that I know how to pass it, I never have to take it again!

Thank you to everyone who wished me well. Yes, it helped. Thanks especially to Michael Kearny, Schuyler, Dorothy and her caps that made me strong, Jane Davis, Charlotte, my mom and dad who are the greatest, and most of all Megan!

Taking the GRE on Friday

The GRE is the test you take when you are trying to get into Grad School. I’m trying to get into an Occupational Therapy Master’s program at San Jose State. The test is hard. I’ll be taking it this Friday.

Please wish me a bit of good fortune.

As you move toward a dream…

As you move toward a dream, the dream moves toward you. …. Pray to catch the bus, then run as fast as you can. ― Julia Cameron

This brought to you (and me) by my friend Marah. I certainly need such encouragement with all my chasing school stuff. (I’m taking the GRE in 9 days, and I’ve got a flurry of tests in front of me before Holiday break)

Accepted into CCSF DMI Program!


Now the big question:

Do I go for it or try to get accepted into an Occupational Therapy Master’s program at Samuel Merritt University / San Jose State University? I won’t know if I’m accepted into either of those programs til February or March.

What do I want? What can I get? What is achievable? What will bring me the most happiness?