Archive for the ‘General’ Category.

Jonathan Richman at Lost Weekend Video

I got to see Jonathan Richman (of Modern Lovers et all musical immortality fame!) at (of all places!) Lost Weekend Video. Went with Charlotte. About 300 people packed into the video store! First thing was they they started playing the movie There’s Something About Mary. Charlotte and I wondered, a little disappointedly, if we’d have to wait until the end of the movie to hear Jonathan Richman play. But just 30 seconds in, a bold voice shouted “Ok, stop it right there!” Jonathan gave commentary throughout several parts of the movie, it was awesome! If you don’t recall, he did the music in the movie and had a few greek chorus singing cameos.

Initially we walked up to the video store and the line to get in went up Valencia and around the corner! We thought we’d never get in so we meandered around for a while. We finally committed, saying that we’d likely not get in. It turns out that we were the LAST people allowed in… which put us right at the front door… FRONT ROW SEATS :-).

Saturday Night Live is Protected by Internet Gremlins

I got this email today. NBC doesn’t want people downloading SNL.



We recently received the attached notice from NBC Universal claiming that your Internet account may have been used for copyright infringement. Specifically, NBC Universal claims that your account was used to reproduce and/or distribute copyrighted content without authorization to other users of an Internet-based file-sharing network. We are forwarding this notice at the request of NBC Universal — please see the enclosed document.
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Notre Dame

Had a crepe formage 2 blocks from Notre Dame :-)

Notre Dame is pretty awesome. The structure totally rivals the Taj Mahal! And in my opinion surpasses it… But that’s just me.

Went in to the cathedral at about 11:30pm following a procession in the doors. The Virgin Mary and son had left at about 10:30 with a grande accompaniment celebrating the Feast of the Assumption. I looked at the holiday’s calendar and darn if I didn’t miss Gregoran chanting at the cathedral by just a few hours! I saw that the confessionals have glass “cones of silence” around the traditional tiny wooden rooms; pretty funny

Had an anduillette AAAAA for lunch. When I picked it with my patented menu order randomizing system our local coworker cautioned me “be careful with that”. Sounds like a dare, right? What other food based on a dare do you know about? That’s right, Scottish Haggis! The anduillette was umm.. err.. Ok, it was pretty gross but I’m glad I tried it. It’s a sausage made with intestines, not just the casing but the whole thing. When I cut open this unassuming sausage, it looked like it had lots of rolls of.. I don’t know.. maybe little rolls of soggy paper. Not so bad. But it smelled like… when I held it to my nose, Arnaud immediately said “It tastes better than it smells, like cheese.” he was somewhat correct: as long as I didn’t use my nose, I couldn’t smell the stench of death and entrails bundled on my plate. It smelled awful. It had the texture of soggy rolled up postit notes and had almost no flavor (barring the stench). I felt it appropriate to try and get used to it. Well, it’s been 10 hours since that meal and my stomach and mind still haven’t gotten used to it. :-(

During lunch it rained really hard. I watched and smelled it… Being in San Francisco so long, I miss the occasional “real” rains you get in Boston, New Jersey and Florida.

Saw a guy jump a 5′ tall turnstile on the Metro. The thing was designed to be very hard to jump. He did it with ease, it was pretty amazing. I might have told the station attendant who was 5′ away but there’s that language barrier…

French TV is much like US… channel surfing I found:
a modern drama with a good guy vampire
a cartoon that looks Ren and Stimy-ish but the story was stupid and the French speaking actors all had horribly American accents
several mediocre pop music bands (I’m guessing it’s easier to hear sloppy music when you don’t speak the language)
Some pretty darn good rap, though culturally different from American rap (possibly a plus)
French World Series of Poker,
A sitcom that was waaay more sit than com
A nice cultural food program with goat cheese making, salt harvesting, honey gathering, dessert making and all things French.

Saw and Ate Today

Croque Madame in a Parisian restaurant on Place d’Italia. One of our party had a whole burger’s worth of steak tartar! He says it’s fresh enough in Paris.

Eiffel tower! (I’ve got a better photo on my real camera) Did you know that it twinkles on the hour for 5 minutes. Aparently I was there for 2 hours… 3 twinklings.

Off to Paris!

For the new job.

I’ll be back Monday.


Looking for a Girlfriend

Ok, this is an unusually frank post. The title pretty much speaks for itself. Put the word out. Ask that dear friend of yours if you think we might get along nicely. Don’t be shy, life is short!

Downgrade your iPhone to 3.1.3 from 4.0.1

Without any help from Steve Jobs I downgraded my phone from the stupidly slow IOS 4.0.1. It is SOOOOOOOO much faster.

Thank you Lifehacker! Downgrade your phone here.

Previously, and.

My New iPhone sucks

This is exactly what IOS4 did to my 3G iPhone, no exaggeration.

local version:

I called Apple again today to try and resolve this problem. I was on hold for 13 minutes. “Ryan” came on and the call quality immediately went to crap. The call failed after a few seconds. I’ll call back later after my phone rage has subsided.

It is rage because I got this phone because it “just works”. But last week Steve Jobs broke my phone and the best answer I’ve gotten so far is “Well, it was an optional update so we won’t support it.” (yes, exact words). Me along with a million other people got your fucking^W update. I paid to live in a walled garden and now the gardeners are telling me in no unambiguous terms that it is their right to burn down the garden and make me buy another one. The evil Droid phone is starting to look pretty good.

160,000 pictures of my trip

I’m on my way back from Oregon. It was so beautiful that I couldn’t stop taking pictures. I must have taken 160,000 pictures or so with my new 12 megapixel camera rig! Yes, really!

Or… Hey, check out my new portable panopticon! Every 10 meters it automatically snaps a 360 degree panorama image that gets stitched into a 36 megapixel 3d image!

On the Oregon Trail

I’m on my first business trip. Brent and I are driving to Oregon right now to take 20,000 160,000 pictures of some roads. Back in SF on Friday.

Then off to Paris Aug 9-13!

Then off to Malaysia Aug 16-20!!