Archive for the ‘General’ Category.

San Francisco Murder Rate Under-Reported at

I just sent this email to info at crimespotting dot org.

I’ve noticed that very few murders are reported on From May 2010 to today I only see 3 murders, all in November. The San Francisco Police reported 50 murders in 2010 ( doesn’t seem to have the problem of underreporting murders.

Do you know why this is? It would be good if something could be done about it. I’d appreciate a response.


For a while I thought that San Francisco’s murder rate was MUCH lower than Oakland’s, like 10 to 1. It appears that the Oakland murder rate is twice San Francisco’s (.21 murders per thousand vs .11 murders per thousand)

I’ll keep you, fair reader informed as to the results of my query.

Aloha, Mahalo, and I’m Back


I’m on a plane back to the mainland. That was a whirlwind, exhausting trip! Jumping on cars for 6 hrs a day in 87 degree, humid and no wind never felt so… umm.

That said, the night hike (almost) to Manoa Falls was pretty awesome. Discovering a 100 ft tall wall of a tree by spotlight is pretty awesome and spooky! And at one spot, right near the entrance t the park, the trees above looked like the sillouette of an incredible circulatory system, wow!

Ala Moana Park, Oahu Hawaii

Wanna see Robert Ballard, the guy who found the Titanic in 1985?

I have 2 tickets to see Robert Ballard in San Mateo Wednesday night. Want to join me?

Undersea robots, adventure and Leonardo Dicaprio!

Call or email. More about Robert Ballard.

Bad Day

Computer running slow. Virus? New Android drivers? Jury is still out.
New girlfriend maybe not girlfriend.
Fancy Android phone still a PITA… though getting better.
Boss yelled (yes, yelled) at me for no good reason.
Feeling very ungrounded.

I’ve still got my friends though.

Nonyx Nail Gel: Part 3

This is a followup to my first and second posts: Nonyx Nail Gel and Nonyx Nail Gel: Part 2. It’s gotten so many comments that it’s hard to sort through these older posts.

Please make followup comments here.

And don’t forget to read the original post and other related posts including Fungal Nail Infection Treatment and Zetaclear.

There are many discussions about nail fungus going on on my blog. Search my blog for the word “fungus” for more.

Emoticon Registration Authority

Let it be known that on this day and hour, one D-Nice Hill has registered with the Emoticon Registration Authority a new, novel and unique emoticon design. It has been certified to pass each of the tests of this authority and is hereby granted status of “awesome”.

The meaning of this emoticon as registered in this office is:

Rock on

The emoticon appears below

\oo/ x_x \oo/




Secular Homeschooling

My friend Sara has started Secular Schoolhouse, a blog and resource for non-religious homeschooling. It’s also on the Facebook. Rock on!

Your 5 Year Notice

Update 1-27-12: You don’t need to call them every 5 years any more. They have made it a permanent registry.

Every 5 years you should go to to re-register your phone number on the Do Not Call list. This will keep away most telemarketers. It takes 5 minutes and will save you countless dinnertime telephone frustrations.

What to do in Honolulu for a day?

I’m travelling to Honolulu Hawaii in February and I’ll have a spare day. What should I see?

I hear the Pearl Harbor Memorial is powerful. What can I do that will honor the Brady Bunch Hawaii Vacation double episode? What else?