Archive for the ‘General’ Category.

You Should Go to City College of San Francisco This Spring

With all the hoopla in the news about City College possibly closing because of funding and accreditation, I just want to say:
* both the city and state bills to keep the school funded passed
* re-accreditation is coming along nicely
* They ain’t closing
* At $46/unit, it remains a super duper bargain for a real education
* Their non-credit classes are FREE (and you don’t have to go the whole semester if you don’t want)
* They’ve got a gazillion credit and non-credit classes.

Look See!

Classes start in January, but sign up NOW because they tend to fill up.

PS. The truth won’t set you free. No. It will grab you, shake you, and MAKE you free!

And that is how we roll.

Thanksgiving in Florida

Thanksgiving in Florida was terrific. Everyone (of course) loved Megan!

16th and 24th Street Stations Look The Same

I wrote a letter to BART today. If you believe the same, please comment here and write to BART

I notice that Powell station recently got new illuminated signage at the platform level. Its very nice and legible from inside the train.

I need to point out that the 16th and 24th street stations remain ENTIRELY indistinguishable from one another from inside the train. The stations look IDENTICAL to one another and the existing signage is hidden in shadow.

Please install signage at 16th and 24th St stations so a traveller can tell them apart.

Thank you,
Lee Sonko

One Punctuation Mark Away

A few years ago when Charlotte and I were in a Penzeys spice store, we came across this bumper sticker.

We’re not sure how large the young urban cannibal market is, but Penzeys has a lock on it ;-)


Love People. Cook them tasty food.

No New Mail!

I haven’t seen this phrase in months. It brings me a great sense of calm.

My SF Todo List

Where do you think I should go in San Francisco? What do you think I should do? What restaurant to dine at? What mountain to climb? Please add to this list!

When I tell friends where I am, they wax poetic and start telling me where I -have- to go! It’s far less fun to go to such places alone so I look forward to friends buzzing me up and asking to go out [hint hint!]

Tried to Catch Up on Twitter…

I tried to catch up with my friends on Twitter today. All I have to say is:

If the internet is like a library with all the books strewn about, then Twitter is like doing whip-its with all your friends at once… in a giant blender set to “Purée”. Ouchy.

Workshop Weekend in Oakland!

I may be going as a participant instead of instructor this time.

Workshop Weekend Oakland registration is filling up quickly!

Join us on November 10 & 11 to solder, craft, program, build, make and explore. At Workshop Weekend, a flat $40 admission gets you as many workshops as you can handle!

A number of workshops have already filled, but we still have seats available in quite a few great workshops. Register online at  – there’s just one week left to sign up!

For families coming to Workshop Weekend together, we’re keeping our $10 discount for all parent admissions with the purchase of two or more admissions for children (under 18). Sign up on the same account, and the discount will be automatically applied.

Workshops with seats still available include:

Register and select workshops online at

I hope we’ll see you in just 8 days!

Boomerang for Gmail Continues to Rock

I wrote about Boomerang for Gmail in May. This tool continues to rock and be useful every single day. Gmail introduced a new Compose screen and I panicked, worrying this Gmail add-on would be left in the dust. But read from their post…

As soon as we saw the announcement, our engineers strapped on their capes, grabbed their wizard hats, and set to work. Less than 48 hours after the Gmail team announced the new experience, the new Compose view and Boomerang were working together in harmony.


Get Boomerang for Gmail here.  (that is a referral link, if you use it, we both get some tiny free prizes like  these.

Overheard in Interpersonal Communications Class

“That was an innovative and original presentation you gave. Can I have your lesson plan so I can show other facilitators?”

That’s what my Interpersonal Communications professor said about the presentation that my classmate and I put on tonight. :-)