Archive for the ‘General’ Category.

Today is Officially the National Day of Making

Today really is Maker Day!

(via this link)

Presidential Proclamation — National Day of Making, 2014





Our Nation is home to a long line of innovators who have fueled our economy and transformed our world. Through the generations, American inventors have lit our homes, propelled humanity into the skies, and helped people across the planet connect at the click of a button. American manufacturers have never stopped chasing the next big breakthrough. As a country, we respond to challenge with discovery, determined to meet our great tests while seeking out new frontiers. During the National Day of Making, we celebrate and carry forward this proud tradition.

Today, more and more Americans are gaining access to 21st century tools, from 3D printers and scanners to design software and laser cutters. Thanks to the democratization of technology, it is easier than ever for inventors to create just about anything. Across our Nation, entrepreneurs, students, and families are getting involved in the Maker Movement. My Administration is increasing their access to advanced design and research tools while organizations, businesses, public servants, and academic institutions are doing their part by investing in makerspaces and mentoring aspiring inventors.

I am committed to helping Americans of all ages bring their ideas to life. Alongside our partners, my Administration is getting tens of thousands of young people involved in making. We are supporting an apprenticeship program for modern manufacturing and encouraging startups to build their products here at home. Because science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are essential to invention, we launched a decade-long national effort to train 100,000 excellent STEM teachers. And we are expanding STEM AmeriCorps so that this summer, 18,000 low-income students will have learning opportunities in these vital fields.

As we observe this day, I am proud to host the first-ever White House Maker Faire. This event celebrates every maker — from students learning STEM skills to entrepreneurs launching new businesses to innovators powering the renaissance in American manufacturing. I am calling on people across the country to join us in sparking creativity and encouraging invention in their communities.

Today, let us continue on the path of discovery, experimentation, and innovation that has been the hallmark not only of human progress, but also of our Nation’s progress.  Together, let us unleash the imagination of our people, affirm that we are a Nation of makers, and ensure that the next great technological revolution happens right here in America.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 18, 2014, as National Day of Making. I call upon all Americans to observe this day with programs, ceremonies, and activities that encourage a new generation of makers and manufacturers to share their talents and hone their skills.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventeenth day of June, in the year of our Lord two thousand fourteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-eighth.


Goodbye Landline Phone!

Goodbye to my favorite landline phone. I got this Uniden EXS9800 900mhz digital spread spectrum phone in about 1998. The sound quality of this phone is the reason I’ve said hundreds of times, “Can I call you back on my landline?” It has the best sound quality I’ve ever had in a phone. I’ve gloated to many friends about how their cordless phones sucked while this was was always rock solid. It’s even got a great, solid feel, something I’ve never seen in any other cordless phone.

It needs another new battery (Radio Shack #23-964, 3.6v replacement battery), I don’t have a landline, don’t think I’ll be getting one soon, and don’t have the room to store a piece of electronics that won’t work without a new custom battery.

I’ll bring it to the Crucible for the kids to tear apart.

Want To Be A Paid Teaching Assistant At The Crucible This Summer?

Ben Cowden, Gil Zamfirescu and I are teaching Kinetics classes to youth 8-15 years old this summer at The Crucible in Oakland. Each class is 1 week, 9am-noon or 1pm-4pm, sessions run June 23rd to August 1st. We make gizmos and robots with motors, switches and basic electronics. If you are interested in being a paid ($12/hr) teaching assistant for some or all of those classes, give me a holler! It’s fun, the kids are great.

Cricket Wireless Referral Fee Split

If you are ready to sign up for Cricket Wireless, send me an email at Lee at Lee dot org. I will write back to you in a day or so with a referral code and we will both get a $25 account credit!

I’ve been on Cricket Wireless since February and I am very happy with it. Originally I was on Aio Wireless but they got bought by Cricket in May. The cell service is every bit as good as AT&T for something like 1/2 the cost.


Triple Rubens’ Tube!

Rubens Tube 10

Rubens Tube 11

Rubens Tube 1 Rubens Tube 2

  • Mark Rubin: head of the project and owner of Guerilla Science
  • Isabelle Engler: Concert and flame piano player
  • Michael Kearny: Rubens’ Tube designer and builder
  • Lee Sonko: Rubens’ Tube designer and builder

Rubens Tube 3

Rubens Tube 6

Rubens Tube 8

Rubens Tube 5 Rubens Tube 9 Rubens Tube 7

Rubens’ Tube Commission

Over the last few weeks I’ve been building a Rubens’ Tube with Michael Kearney. Mark Rosin of Guerilla Science asked us to build a prototype of a piece that would travel to rock concerts and the like, blinding people with science. It’s an excellent plan.

Just a few minutes after the birth of the tube.

Practicing before the performance.

The view from Isabelle Engler, the pianist’s chair.



Last week we presented the Rubens’ Tube at MSRI, the  Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley. It went really well.

I’ll try to show you some good video soon.




Friend Looking for 2br apartment near Mission Bay, Machine Shop?

Ben Cowden, who is an excellent kinetic artist and teacher friend of mine is looking for an apartment with his wife within biking distance of Mission Bay. Possible bonus points for sharing a private machine shop. Any leads, send to me or Ben.

BART Suggestions

BART is getting new trains. The prototype is travelling around the Bay Area. It isn’t perfect. If you’d like to help make it better, visit it in the next few weeks!

You can submit the online survey here.

I spoke with the guy running the event, (Adam? Aaron?) and his response to my first comment was, “That’s why I go to these things, sometimes I hear about important changes.”

Here are my comments:

The LED “destination” sign on the side of the train is currently behind tinted glass. If it was behind clear glass it would be much more visible. Glass makers can certainly make a glass window that is tinted up to a certain place.


Inside the train, one of the vertical handrails near the middle of the train has a collar with a sharp edge that should be curved smoothed over. Maybe this was just a problem with the demo car.

To find the sharp collar, find a single chair, look for the handrail that goes from the chair to the ceiling, look for the connector that goes between the chair and tube, look just above the connector for the collar.


On current trains, the audio “panic” warning (a recorded voice saying “Please stand clear of the doors. The doors are closing”) regularly comes on at the wrong time. The message often sounds while a large number of people are boarding a train. It is very unnerving to hear that message while a crowd is in the middle of boarding at a normal pace. I become worried that the conductor doesn’t see the boarding passengers and will close the door on us. Of course, that doesn’t happen but the purpose of the message isn’t being fulfilled and EVERYONE ignores the message.

Michael Moran at BART Customer Service explained to me that the message is triggered when the normal door dwell period has lapsed. Instead of this, the message should happen when the train operator commands it to.

I’m sure you’ve gotten this complaint thousands of times before I’m sure. From inside the train, 16th and 24th street station look the same. Passengers need to look very closely to be sure they are getting off at the right stop Here are some easy ways to fix it:

– The signs at track level that read “16th Street” and “24th Street” are literally hidden in shadow. If the sign was moved 3 feet closer to the center of the platform, they would be illuminated by the existing station lighting
– The track level signs could be replaced with illuminated signs like at Powell Station.
– The tunnels could be retiled with unique colors like at 12th and 19th Street stations (that’s expensive though)
– A long, narrow strip of unique art could be installed on the tunnel walls


Workshop Weekend Arduino April 26-27 in Oakland

I’ve been teaching weekend-long Arduino intensive classes with some friends for the last year or so. It’s gone amazingly well. We’ve got another class coming up April 26-27 at Tech Liminal in Oakland.

If you want a huge jump start, join us. Tell your nearly-dorky friend about the class too. As a teacher, I’ve got a $50 discount code to give you: arduteach888

Check it out at

Aio Wireless Referral Fee Split

I’ve been using Aio Wireless for a few months now and I like it very much. Cell service is every bit as good as AT&T for 1/2 the cost.

Send me an email and I’ll refer you to Aio Wireless. We will both get $25 from AioWireless. Write to me at Lee at Lee dat org.