Archive for the ‘General’ Category.

APA Reference Help

APA Reference Help

I’m looking for help turning web links into APA formatted References. Can you help or recommend someone who can?  Right now I have about 30 of these to do in a short period of time.

Here is an example. Turn this web link:

into this in-text citation:
(Hejri & Sorenson, 1992)

and this Reference:
Hejri, F., & Sorenson, G.(1992). Life satisfaction among Iranian and American graduate students. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 5(3), 291-297.


No new mail!

No new mail!

The best thing I’ve seen all week
no new mail

Now I can start on actually doing the things I have prioritized.

If You Think Stress Will Kill You, You’re Right

Big News:
If you think stress will kill you, then you are probably right.
And, if you think that stress won’t kill you, then you are correct.
This study says that high stress increases your chance of dying, but only if you think stress is bad for your health!

That is just the opening of Kelly McGonigal’s TED Talk:How to make stress your friend

Did Daylight Savings Time Mess Up Your Morning?

Did Daylight Savings Time mess up your morning?
It messed up mine.

Do you live in California?
Contact your California assemblyman and state senator to abolish daylight savings time.

  1. Go to the State Assembly page here
  2. Type in your address to find your representatives.
  3. Write a short letter to your assemblyman and senator… It could be as short as “Please support AB2496 and abolish daylight savings time. Thank you!”
  4. Done

Article about a bill to abolish DST

Here was my letter:

Please support Assembly Bill 2496 and end Daylight Savings Time in California. It helps no one, saves nothing, and it causes a considerable bother to every person in the state for several days twice a year. It especially bothers my sleep patterns and those of my baby for about a week!

The most popular reasoning for keeping DST is “to save energy”. Here is a study by the University of California’s Center for the Study of Energy Markets offering evidence that daylight savings time does not save energy.
Thank you,
Lee Sonko

What’s the best team communication system?

What’s the best team communication system?  Email? Slack? Google Groups with tags? What does your group use?

Hives Not Collapsing

I got this missive from my friend Rachel McConnell. If you are interested in the story and worries about beehives collapsing, read his story!

Some of you have met my boyfriend Gerard and some of you have gotten
honey from him in the past. He has just launched an ambitious campaign
to improve bee genetic diversity in the Bay Area through seeding and
swapping hives – well, I had better let him tell you about it:

Kick in a couple bucks???


I’m going to include his Indigogo post here for beautiful posterity.

Hello my name is Gerard and I’m an urban beekeeper.

About seven years ago I was living in the Niles neighborhood in Fremont. I decided to raise bees with the intention of improving the viability of my vegetable garden as well as increase the yield of an avocado tree on the property that wasn’t doing to well.

That year was fabulous. The avocado tree bore lots of fruit. The heirloom tomatoes, squash, melons, cucumbers, rainbow chard.everything in the entire garden was exploding with abundance. I couldn’t believe that such a small plot could produce so much food. The yields were so high that I resorted to knocking on doors around the neighborhood giving food away.

That one hive became two, then three, I was unabashedly splitting hives, and mixing them up, putting bees from one hive into another, and another. Soon I had installed numerous colonies between the cities of Fremont, Oakland, Alameda, Richmond, and the Sierra foothills. I even taught the scary looking old timers that belonged to a “motorcycle club” how to raise bees. Those bees eventually made it as far as Seattle Washington.

My approach was also an organic one. In contrast to my methods, The commercial beekeeping industry were losing colonies to collapse. In an effort to protect their livelihood they used interventions that I considered desperate measures. There were was an insecticide for controlling Varroa mites, antibiotics for a fungus called nosema, terramycin for foulbrood, and paradich-lorobenzene, a known carcinogen for wax moths, They were even putting things in the hive called oxalic acid. if you look on the labels of many of these things they will say toxic to humans! Some members of the local beekeeping club began to eventually use these methods. I was as if the pharmaceutical companies were coming around to sell you the latest antibiotic.

I ignored all these suggestions and carried on with my organic methods and continued to split my hives, experimenting and moving bees from one city to another, and across county lines. While colonies were collapsing all around me. I found that I had almost a 100% survival rate. Why? Hybrid vigor. The genetic diversity of my bees became a key to their survival. I was splitting hives, and mixing them up across county lines. My queens could be in Fremont one month, and in Alameda the next. This gave her the opportunity to mate with the drones where she happened to be at that moment, inevitably increasing the diversity and strength of the Hive. Recently researchers have found that queens that have mated at least seven times are almost three times more likely to survive.

These tough bees had developed resistance. The same resistance that they have had for thousands of years before humans came along. I have found by accident why my hives don’t collapse. I used a strictly organic method coupled with a limited amount of meddling, and a rationed approach to honey harvest. I leave the majority of the honey for the bees so that they can make it through the winter. Only then in the spring when the nectar flows begin will I take honey from the previous year.…

We’ve had a great winter here in California and the wildflower blooms are going to be spectacular. I predict that the nectar flows will also be amazing. If theres any year in the history of California that will be conducive to the to the honeybee ecology. 2016 would be it.

Bees are dying from a number of factors, but what we can do we should do. and this includes raising genetically tough bees.

I would love to raise genetically tough bees and install these hives throughout every corner of the bay area, but I need your help to do it.

Each hive costs about $400 to set up. I would be happy to take care of them, and teach others how to take care of them also. Its fun, and it helps save the bees. the plan is to build as many hives as we can fund, and space them throughout the bay area. Ive set the funding goal to $8,000 so that we can add 20 hives to the area. Every $400 we go over, Ill install another hive. The more money raised, the more hives we install thus improving the genetic diversity of the bay area bee.

The Donald

I’m too busy with school, husbanding and fathering to put energy into presidential politics. But The Donald would make a really really really bad president. The thought scares me and I don’t have time for fear right now. So let me put this thought to bed.

Here’s my statistics-driven, finger-crossing conclusion: The Republicans love Donald Trump, but Independents and Democrats both hate him (via). Democrats are 30% of the vote, Independents are 43%, and Republicans are 26%. (via) The Donald is poised to sweep the GOP vote but lose heartily in the general election. So if Donald wins the GOP nomination, we will be welcoming either our first female or social democrat president.

I am reminded that “electability” is the most important factor when considering a candidate. The Trump simply isn’t electable. The rest of the Fivethirtyeight article I mentioned above is good further reading.


Party ID

Candidate Favorability

How To Fix PDF Search In Windows 7

I’ve been using Windows File Explorer to search through all my school work to find things. For example, if I want to find all my Powerpoints on Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, I just open up File Explorer and type “PNF”. By default, Windows 7 and 8 doesn’t search through PDF files! Here is how to fix that.

Here is the full explanation. It’s really well done.

Short form:
Install the Adobe PDF iFilter 9 for 64-bit platforms here
– Reindex your hard drive
– profit

Lutron Maestro CL Light Switch

We got a Lutron Maestro CL Light Switch. It’s two switches, one master and one slave.

It’s all fancy. Here’s the instructions.

Most important thing I learned after calling tech support: It doesn’t work well with my LED bulbs. So I put one 40 watt incandescent in the set and it works perfectly. When it’s not working, the on/off switch only works sporadically and can’t be programmed.

Lutron Advanced Programming Mode048459

Lutron Instructions 0301629b

Another Plea for Legible Flight Reservations

Another Plea for Legible Flight Reservations
We’ve been at this whole commercial flight thing for about a hundred years. You would think that the airlines would be able to create a simple, clear flight plan for me. EVERY trip I have made for the last 20 years I have had to translate their gobbly-gook flight reservation into something legible. The relevant data is always the same. Could someone in the airline industry please recognize this? Give me a calendar item that I can copy and paste into my life!

Here is what I put in my calendar. Short. Readable. Useful.

Flight Ref: XXXX

Monday November 21st
depart SFO at 10:35am on AA flight 556
  arrive Chicago ORD at 4:55pm
depart Chicago ORD 8:30pm on AA flight 4308
  arrive Nashville 10:00pm

Friday November 25th
depart Nashville 4:30pm on AA flight 661
  arrive Dallas DFW at 6:40pm
depart Dallas DFW at 9:20pm on AA flight 1575
  arrive SFO at 11:05pm

and here is what American Airlines sent me. It is freaking impossible to read. Sure it contains all the relevant data but I challenge you to understand my flight info in less than 5 minutes!

It doesn’t need to be like this. Make it simple. Make it say what it needs to say. Then put the nitty gritty details at the bottom or something. Bonus points awarded if they put a “Add to Google Calendar” icon next to the reservation so I don’t even have to copy-paste. But hey…

I originally mentioned this in 2011 and it burns my buns every time I fly that flight reservations are still universally impossible to read. I use parts of this blog post as a template before I fly.