Archive for the ‘General’ Category.

The Most Abigail Video

I give you the most quintessential video of Abigail ever! She is just 2 1/2 years old in this video and she is ROCKIN’! I see how the other kids are just barely aware of what’s happening and she is completely full of life; she is flailing her arms and legs and still fully keeping her balance! And that smile is to die for! That’s my girl, Father’s Joy!

Crossposting to Mastodon

Want to follow my posts on Mastodon (a new social network)? Here I am! Find me as or here

I post my blog here and crosspost it to Twitter, Facebook, and Mastodon. Though I post a lot more family pix on Facebook.

ISO Manufacturing And Order Tracking System

Can you help me find a manufacturing and order tracking system for my organization? We’ve got several projects (including the cool art coasters below) that are being designed and manufactured in-house by our students. I expect we’ll have sales of something like 5-20 items per day. Any thoughts?

I’m the Production Lead at Autistry Studios, a day program for autistic adults working toward independence!

Gallagher The Comedian Passed Away

Gallagher, the watermelon smashing comedian, passed away just a few days ago (via).

I was tremendously lucky to see him perform live in 2006. That performance was an invitation to enjoy and fall in love with chaos, an energy that I embodied for many years, having recently changed my life by moving to the Bay Area.

William Shatner Talks About His Trip To Space


Almost exactly one year ago, William Shatner, most famously Star Trek’s Captain James Kirk, took a brief trip to space aboard a Blue Origin rocket. After exiting the spacecraft on his return, the 90-year-old Shatner described it as “the most profound experience I can imagine… It’s extraordinary, extraordinary.”

Of course, “profound” doesn’t always mean “enjoyable,” and in his brand new memoir Boldly Go, Shatner wrote that his space adventure was actually a miserable experience. From an excerpt of the book in Variety:

I saw a cold, dark, black emptiness. It was unlike any blackness you can see or feel on Earth. It was deep, enveloping, all-encompassing. I turned back toward the light of home. I could see the curvature of Earth, the beige of the desert, the white of the clouds and the blue of the sky. It was life. Nurturing, sustaining, life. Mother Earth. Gaia. And I was leaving her.

Everything I had thought was wrong. Everything I had expected to see was wrong.

I had thought that going into space would be the ultimate catharsis of that connection I had been looking for between all living things—that being up there would be the next beautiful step to understanding the harmony of the universe[…]

It was among the strongest feelings of grief I have ever encountered. The contrast between the vicious coldness of space and the warm nurturing of Earth below filled me with overwhelming sadness. Every day, we are confronted with the knowledge of further destruction of Earth at our hands: the extinction of animal species, of flora and fauna . . . things that took five billion years to evolve, and suddenly we will never see them again because of the interference of mankind. It filled me with dread. My trip to space was supposed to be a celebration; instead, it felt like a funeral.

School Food

I don’t often notice videos made by my school district, but I like this one!

Last year I was the Occupational Therapist at the school in the video, Betty Reid Soskin Middle School. I got to hang out at the farm in the video. Yes, they turned a baseball field into a farm! Good times!


Saluspa Laguna Hot Tub

We got an inflatable hot tub last year and we are very happy with it!



Saluspa Laguna Hot Tub made by Bestway

Outside dimensions of the tub itself (as I measured) : 6′ diameter, 25″ tall

bought from Costco for about $450

177 gallon

It Is Going To Be a Good Day

Sometimes a day goes perfectly. On September 29th…

  • I fixed the 3D printer problem
  • I mostly finished writing my Asclepius letter
  • I figured out how to do the file repository at artistry: All computers get the same Google drive desktop and at the end of the day, I search for files that have been modified today only and incorporate them into the back end repository
  • I found Megan’s coffee cup
  • Abigail has picture day and she was so cute putting on makeup and then us cleaning it up on her face and ultimately taking most of it off
  • I’m going to drama class today for work which is pretty fun
  • I decided to go back and listen to the Harry Dresden novels again. I listened to the beginning of battleground again and omg it is wonderful writing!
  • I had a great discussion with Abigail this morning about how you think about things before you do them, and then how you can think about things faster than you can actually do them. For example I opened a jar of peanut butter in my mind, and then she listened to a song in her mind and we both danced like fools at the breakfast table to the song in her head!
  • Megan and I are getting excited about RVing next week and we are happily fantasizing about getting an RV (and planning on renting several times first!)
  • Abigail is simply rocking her ukulele practice. My new ringtone can attest to that!

We’re in Santa Cruz RVing and enjoying the boardwalk!

Madera Wildflower Meadow

I’ve been thinking about and working on making a wildflower Meadow at Abigail School for about 11 months now. I tried starting too late last year so I just had wait for the weather. Here we are! I put down clear UV resistant plastic with the help of a friend for a month to solarize the soil. In a few weeks I will take up the plastic and throw down seed.

It’s a simple project but has taken some will to get it done.
– Approval from school (which meant I had to write up a detailed plan)
– I initially laid down the wrong plastic, with help from Eduardo. The photo on the Farmtek website showed clear plastic but the description was a little vague and I couldn’t find any other plastic sheeting on the site (my bad?) so I bought white plastic which turned out to be the perfect amount of light for growing grass. IE. the opposite of what I wanted.
– laid down the second sheet of plastic with help from Duncan!
– had a weird interaction with the Dad’s Club / Handy Helpers who argued that I shouldn’t ask for volunteers for my project on the main list because 4 events/year was the limit for the organization. :-(
– Lots of waiting for the rainy season
– I’ve got lots of California native seed from Larner Seeds ready to go!

Duncan and I getting the plastic down on a foggy evening