Archive for the ‘General’ Category.

We are smart

As Grebnedlog the Pakled said to Riker in “Samaritan Snare”,

“We are smart.”

Star Trek Packled

The Truth of False

Want to inform people that a myth is false? You can’t do it! Merely by talking about the myth, you are reaffirming it in their minds.

Want to “make” something true? Just tell it to your audience repeatedly. Eventually, they’ll mistake being told many times by the same source as being told by many sources the same thing.

This is how advertising works. This is how political attack ads work. This is how selling works.

From On the Media’s “The Truth of False“, aired September 7th, 2007

Listen to the article here


BOB GARFIELD: Americans may or may not be as sleep-deprived as drug makers claim, but if it were a myth you could try to quash it with the truth. That’s what the Centers for Disease Control Prevention recently did. They sent out a flyer listing various facts and myths about the flu vaccine and labeled them “true or false.” But a study at the University of Michigan found that the CDC flyer actually did nothing to change people’s minds and may have even spread vaccine myths to more people.

Shankar Vedantam, a reporter for The Washington Post, explains that right after reading the flyer, people mostly remembered the false statements as false.

SHANKAR VEDANTAM: But about 30 minutes later, older people started to remember some of the false statements as true, and three days later, very large numbers of older people and significant numbers of younger people also started remembering increasing numbers of myths as true. Continue reading ‘The Truth of False’ »

SWARM Glamour Shots

Here’s a couple SWARM Glamour Shots that Mark Alexander shot of Erik and myself. It’s mid-August and we’re working at the Box Shop on getting the batteries for the 6 orbs up to snuff for the playa.


Posts de-privatized

I had accidentally marked several blog posts as “Private”. That made it so I could read them but noone else could. Here are most of those posts, de-privatized:

  1. 3,000 Gallons of Propane View
  2. More Doings View
  3. My Style of Humor View
  4. Photo Credit View
  5. SpamAssassin, CRM114, Brightmail View
  6. Each City Has It’s Own Type of Driver View
  7. Multitasking View
  8. YAGW: Yet Another Great Weekend (with a rough start) View
  9. Happy New Year! View
  10. Condoms Don’t Work Nearly As Well As You Might Have Thought View
  11. Reinstalled XP View
  12. Matrix Revolutions trailer View
  13. The Best Deadly Sin: Gluttony View
  14. A little bit about Computer Guy View
  15. Finding Ferranti View

Telemarketing in America is Dead

I’ve posted about the telemarketing Do-Not-Call list before, here

I just came across this site selling telemarketing phone number scrubber software. The most interesting bit is their Recent Do-Not-Call Fines page. A local version is at the bottom of this post.

It’s been about 4 years   since I first registered myself on so I figured it was time to re-register myself and my family (it is supposed to expire after 5 years to give the telemarketers a chance). I found out that they won’t be dropping phone numbers from the Do Not Call registry. The list has 145 million phone numbers in it. Wow, that can’t leave much room for telemarketers…

Recent Do-Not-Call Fines

Date Company Name

Fine Amount

11-07-07 Craftmatic (FTC) $4,400,000.00
11-07-07 ADT (FTC) 2,000,000.00
11-07-07 Alarm King (FTC) $20,000.00
11-07-07 Direct Security Services (FTC) $25,000.00
11-07-07 Ameriquest (FTC) $1,000,000.00
11-07-07 Guardian Communications (FTC) $150,000.00
11-06-06 USA Home Loans, Inc. (FTC) $426,782.00
06-02-06 Executive Financial Home Loan Corp (FTC) $1,138,551.00
04-12-06 Sports Authority Florida (FL) $112,500.00
03-06-06 TE Mortgage Corp. (MO) $15,000.00
02-24-06 Book Of The Month Club (FTC) $680,000.00
01-12-06 Total Remodeling Inc. (New Jersey) $151,500.00
12-14-05 DirecTV (FTC) $5,340,000.00
07-31-05 Chesapeake Window and Building (Maryland) $25,000.00
07-15-05 Columbia House (FTC) $300,000.00
06-07-05 Real Time International (Virginia) $196,000.00
05-05-05 EchoStar Communications (Missouri) $50,000.00
03-18-05 ABI Marketing (Pennsylvania) $90,000.00
03-15-05 AT&T (Pennsylvania) $35,000.00
03-03-05 Dynasty Mortgage (FCC) $770,000.00
02-17-05 Braglia Marketing Group, L.L.C. (FTC) $3,500.00
02-17-05 Flagship Resort Dev. & Atlantic Palace (FTC) $500,000.00
02-10-05 SBC Communications (Missouri) $150,000.00
02-01-05 Florida 2004 Settlements & Fines $319,750.00
11-28-04 Solartherm Remodelers, Inc. (Pennsylvania) $1,900.00
09-08-04 Primus Telecommunications (FCC) $400,000.00
08-06-04 Comcast Cable (Pennsylvania) $7,500.00
07-09-04 Shelterguard, Inc. (Ohio) $65,000.00
06-24-04 American Home Craft, Inc. (California) $45,000.00
05-09-04 Sunset Mortgage Co., L.P. (Pennsylvania) $19,000.00
04-12-04 AT&T (North Carolina) $30,000.00
04-12-04 American Communications (North Carolina) $15,000.00
03-30-04 67 Settlements in New York $1,050,960.00
05-01-01 Tennesse Regulatory Authority Settlements $7,000.00

DNC Fine Total:


Yesterday Was Great Fun

Friday morning: got up late… 9am. Lounged around in bed til 10. Had breakfast. I had soft boiled eggs. I haven’t had a soft boiled egg since I was a kid. It was great!

As we were finishing up breakfast, Lorie and Cindy (our next door neighbors) came by and we had a second breakfast. We cooked up a couple more soft boiled eggs… and with the buttered toast cut into strips that you dip into the egg… mmm! And then you use a tiny spoon to scoop out the barely hardened white. Yum! Cindy brought apple crisp and Lori apple pie and pumpkin pie. We chatted and frittered the morning away.

Charlotte and I went to geeking for a while. Charlotte fell asleep for a few hours while I geeked out. She got up at 3.

I didn’t get out of the house til 4 I had been planning on lighting stuff on fire at the Box Shop starting at 2pm. I was a little bummed at myself. I ran around looking for lamp oil; Bells didn’t have any but Cole’s Hardware came to the rescue. JDV had suggested lamp oil for my dangerous experiment.. it turned out to not be nearly flammable enough, but I’ll get to that soon enough…

Got to the Box Shop at 4:45 and set to cleaning out some Hudson sprayers I had gotten at
a yard sale a couple days ago. I got the sprayers for free after chatting with the owners about FLG and how beer and wine is made :-).

I just barely got one of the sprayers working when Ray told me how it was time we go on our beer run in the SWARM Mothership. It was just the two of us since Cory hadn’t shown up yet. So we were off to the Dogpatch Saloon in the Mothership. Ray had just installed a siren… a real woooooOOOOooooo siren along with the ground effects lighting and the ah-WOO-gah horn. It was a pretty nice (if somewhat strenuous) ride. We got to the Dogpatch and they said they were closed; they were only there because they were waiting for supplies for a party the next day. Standing around, a couple people gawked at our crazy transportation device including the lead singer of Spellbound, a Siouxsie and the Banshees cover band. The shorter person she was travelling with had a couple Full Metal Alchemist books under his arm: groovy.

Cory arrived so we decided to go to the wine bar just 2 doors down. We had fun not understanding the wine menu, paying $13 for 3 ity bity slivers of cheese and some $40 mediocre table rosé. At least the serving-lady was nice and they had some fire-art in the back corner. Charlotte showed up and we started having fun. We needed some food so we were off to The Ramp down the street.

The Ramp was dead… kitchen closed and heat off. When the guy called “last round!” (it was 8pm) we decided to head off. We had fun chatting with some people about the Mothership and exchanging wwwoooOOOOoooo’s with a guy in a van with a megaphone set to “woo”.

So it was off to Jordan’s House of Ribs on 3rd Ave. When we walked in (legs burning from the ride), I’ll admit that, at first, I felt a little like Flounder in Animal House. I thought some big black guy was going to walk up to us and ask, “Do you mind if we dance with your dates?” It puts one on edge when one is in an environment that one is not accustomed to. After a few minutes, all was well. Our food arrived and all was well indeed. We talked for a while and had fun. After we finished, Corey asked about my fire experiment again… “Do you have everything you need at the shop?” “I’ve got a gallon of lamp oil in the trunk and a Hudson sprayer ready!” “Well, let’s go!” So we were on our way back to the Box Shop.

Fire Fog:

The plan was that I’d make an aerosol cloud of a flammable liquid a few feet over a flame. Eventually the cloud would settle onto the flame and [whooosh!] the cloud would ignite, burning from near the ground up a few feet. I was a bit worried that I’d create a fuel-air bomb, which wouldn’t be nearly as much fun. That’s when you get the fuel-air mix just right and it burns explosively, creating a blast wave that the Vietcong said was “no fun”.

We settled on spraying oil over a wood fire; getting all the piping for a propane fire going safely would have been a bother and… well, wood fires are easy. I poured 1/4 gallon of lamp oil into the Hudson sprayer and pumped it up. I had some trouble getting the mister nozzle to spray at all so I took it off. So I could spray a sharpie-thick stream of lamp oil onto the burning barrel. When a a 1/5 second blast hit the barrel, it would steam for a moment and then ignite, and the fire would spread quickly and then die down a few moments later. Pretty cool.
We all took turns at spreading the fire around and had quite a bit of fun. I played with the nozzle a bit and finally got it to spray a mist… oil is thicker than water so I had to loosen it a bit. But still no “whoosh”. We then switched to 50% oil / 50% gasoline. That was better. We could get the fire to jump a bit when the mister was working just so but feh. When we ran out of oil, we switched to 100% gasoline. Now that’s what I was talkin’ about! A couple times I was able to get the fire to ignite in mid-air and climb like… like nothing I’ve ever seen! It’s a tiny bit like Nate Smith’s Fire Vortex in the way that the fire sometimes climbs off the ground but certainly it is a very different effect! It’s very much of a “cloud on fire” kind of thing. There are many permutations that I’m going to have to try. I’m very excited about this effect!

We’d know we found a neat effect when we’d all go “Ooo!” at the same time. Or when the person with the sprayer would get “that laugh”. A little bit mad scientist, a little bit… mad hatter!

Ok, now I’ve got to get this going really well. I need MORE POWER! More pressure in the sprayer, finer droplets, more mist on the target, possibly a more flammable liquid like denatured ethyl alcohol. I’m going looking for these systems ASAP!

  • Napped and ate the day away
  • Went to 5 bars
  • Drove a really cool art vehicle around town
  • Got plenty of excercise
  • Discovered and played with a new flame effect with friends


When is the best time to call various professionals

Here is a list of certain representative occupations, together with times, which have been found to be particularly good for calling and arranging appointments.
Adjuster………………………….       9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Advertisers………………………       acct. execs. and media after 3:00 p.m.
Advertisers……………………….       production manager 10:30 a.m.
Architects………………………..       late afternoon
Artist, Commercial……………..       2:30 3:30p.m.
Attorneys…………………………       before 9am or after 4pm     (receptionist is out 12-1)
Auditors (CPA’s)………………..       between 12th and 20th of the month
Bankers…………………………..       before 10:00 a.m.
Brokers Builders………………..       after the stock market is closed
Chemists………………………..       .late afternoon
Clergy……………………………..       midweek
Commission Merchants………..       after 2:30 p.m.
Contractors ………..       before 7 or after 5
Dairy Superintendents…………       late afternoon
Dentists…………………………..       prior to 7:00 a.m. (check for days off)
Department Stores……………..       8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Dietitians………………………….       1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Doctors……………………………       11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (check for days off)
Executives…………………………       early morning or mid-morning
Grocers…………………………….       1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Movers……………………………..       from 4th-8th of the mo. or 17th-22nd of mo.
Human Resource Directors…       early morning or mid-morning
Pharmacists………………………….       1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Photographers……………………       mid-morning
Printers……………………………       after 3:00 p.m.
Publishers………………………..       after 3:00 p.m.
Publishing Agents………………       first thing in a.m. or after lunch (except Monday & Friday)
Real Estate People…………….       mid-morning, mid-week, no Mondays
Retail Store Managers…………       urban – half-hour before opening
Retirement Homes………….       1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Surgeons…………………………       mid-afternoon
Traffic Managers………………..       1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Wholesalers……………………..       before 10:00 a.m. or Saturday morning

Flaming Lotus Girls Gallery Show

For my friends, here’s the short form:

We’re having a big event at the SOMArts gallery in San Francisco on Friday November 30th from 7pm-1am. We’re setting up at least 1/2 of the Angel of the Apocalypse in the large interior space (the whole thing won’t fit!). SWARM is bringing several robots to entertain people. The focus of the event is that FLG is auctioning off a bunch of signed and lipstick kissed prints of our work. I’ve seen a selection and they’re pretty spectacular! I encourage you to go and oogle at the pictures. It’s FREE. It’s HIP. It’s FUN. See you Friday!

Here’s the invite——–


A Gallery Showsomarts-flyer.jpg

Who: Those mavens of lipstick and accelerants, The Flaming Lotus Girls

What: A Gallery Show Fundraiser for the FLG’s!

When: Friday, November 30th, 2007, 7pm-1am

Where: Somarts Gallery 934 Brannan Street, San Francisco

Why: Because YOU want to see more super giant fire art!

Come join the hot ladies (and gentlemen) of the world-famous Flaming Lotus Girls fire art group for an evening of art, flame and fabulous outfits.

Over 40 different photographers and a handful of local artists have donated their art for a silent auction benefiting the FLG’s, so they can continue their quest for world domination through stainless steel and kerosene.

The FLG’s are taking their spectacular interactive fire sculpture, The Serpent Mother, on a World Tour to spread the gospel of fire art and metalwork empowerment. The Serpent Mother was first seen at The Burning Man festival in Nevada in 2006, but the FLG’s didn’t stop there! The Serpent Mother went on to the 2007 Fire Arts Festival in Oakland, California and slithered across the pond for the 2007 Robodock Festival in Amsterdam!

The rest of the world deserves to see The Serpent Mother in all of her 168-foot majesty. Come enjoy the all the art and make this and other amazing projects possible!

The Flaming Lotus Girls are an all-volunteer, all-awesome San Francisco-based group of female and male artists who work hard all year round to create exceptional fire art and provide a resource for learning metalworking and other mad essential shop skillz. The youngest FLG is 18 months, and the oldest is 70 years! The FLG’s enjoy creating fire art on a gargantuan scale, just as you enjoy watching the fruits of their labor! Come support this amazing phenomenon and have a fab time doing it!

See more at

How to Find New Businesses in California

Here are some tips on how to find new businesses in an area

1. California Contractors State License Board Updates daily with newest license numbers. Go
up one number at a time and check the city… the latest number is about 900,000.
2. Select yellow pages, basic search. Enter heading name and area. Scroll down to “all listings” and identify new listings



5. City/County Business Lists РCheck AT&T Government pages (pg 4 for city Offices РFinance Department or Business License Department; pg 5 or so for the county clerk recorders office address and ph #. Some offices will mail/email you directly the list ̦n an on-going basis

6. Newspapers (Sacramento Bee and any free ones out there; Classifieds, Home & Garden Section)

7. Valupak – Coupons (or any other coupons, junk mail or items thrown on your doorstep); Clipper Magazine or other coupons magazines that get mailed to you.

8. Have lunch/drive in parking lots of building materials, hardware Stores, lumber Stores, plumbing supply Stores, landscape supply Stores, etc. Where contractors get their supplies.

9. Have lunch/drive in parking lots of Fast Food restaurants at lunchtime. Great time to catch contractors eating lunch/collect numbers on trucks.

10. Attend Chamber Mixers, Community Events, Home Shows

11. Pick up monthly chamber newsletters at the beginning of each month for new members, upcoming events, i.e. ribbon cutting ceremonies.

12. Check community/bulletin boards, Collect cards and post your own. Coffee shops, churches, gyms, bakeries, car washes, pet supply Stores or warehouses, etc.

13. Join a local association – NETWORK!

14. Look for signs. ‘Grand Opening’, ‘Under New Management’, ‘Corning Soon’ This includes signs that contractor stick in the ground or set up on a Job site.

15. Reference USA. You can get free access through the San Francisco Public Libraryhere.

Todd Blair SRL Benefit

From Amaker

As some of you might know, a friend, Todd Blair (, was seriously injured at the last SRL show in Amsterdam.

I’m asking for donations from artisans, crafters, and technicians to sell at a benefit on December 1st, 2007 (   100% of the sales will go to Todd’s recovery fund. The benefit will be held at SOMArts please come.

(Please feel free to donate items that could be sold, even if you didn’t make it.)

Please send donations before Nov.26th to:
Todd Blair
c/o Munroe Motors
412 Valencia Street (@ 15th)
San Francisco, CA 94103

Please include:

* Your Name
* Website and/or Email
* Suggested retail price
* Item description

The event website will include links to your work.   We are hoping to drum up attention before, during and after the event – so this is a gift that would give exposure back to you.

Please help us by forwarding this to your friends and colleagues.

Please contact Judy email: bigmo[nospam] if you have any questions.

Thank you in advance for helping.