Archive for the ‘General’ Category.

Alexa Rank


Comparing TJIC’s blog ranking to on Alexa

Trav said he had only 15 readers. I disagreed, did the math and then…. agreed.

15? You must have many more lurkers than that. I get like 1000 page views a day. How many do you get?

Oh yes, that’s right. you have no idea because you don’t have any stats tracking. ;-)

Hmm. Maybe you’re right… click here

.000097 / .00121 = .08
my 1000 page views * .08 = your 80 page views/day
your 80 page views/day / your average 6 posts per day = 13.3 readers.

OMG, you really -do- have 15 readers.

Then again, I’m betting that his readership is less likely to install the Alexa toolbar.

My WordPress Plugins 6-6-08

Credit where credit is due.
Here are all the Plugins I’m running as of 6-6-08 on this WordPress 2.5.1 install.

  1. Admin Drop Down Menu (v. 2.1 ) by Ozh.
  2. Brian’s Latest Comments (v. 1.5.10 ) by Brian Meidell.
  3. DoFollow (v. 4.0 ) by Kimmo Suominen.
  4. Exec-PHP (v. 4.7 ) by Sören Weber.
  5. Flexible upload (v. 1.13 ) by Antoine Choppin.
  6. FLV Embed (v. 1.1 ) by Yaosan Yeo.
  7. Google XML Sitemaps (v. 3.1 ) by Arne Brachhold.
  8. Permalink Redirect (v. 0.8.4 ) by Scott Yang.
  9. Plugins list (v. 0.2 ) by Davide Benini.
  10. Recent Posts (v. 1.05 ) by Nick Momrik.
  11. Related Posts (v. 2.02 ) by Alexander Malov & Mike Lu.
  12. RSS Footer (v. 0.7.5 ) by Joost de Valk.
  13. Search Everything (v. 4.5 ) by Dan Cameron.
  14. Smart Archives (v. 1.9.2 ) by Justin Blanton.
  15. Spam Karma 2 (v. 2.3 rc3 ) by dr Dave.
  16. Subscribe To Comments (v. 2.1.2 ) by Mark Jaquith.
  17. Stats (v. 1.2.1 ) by Andy Skelton.
  18. WordPress Database Backup (v. 2.1.5 ) by Austin Matzko.
  19. WP-PageNavi (v. 2.30 ) by Lester ‘GaMerZ’ Chan.
  20. WP lightbox JS (v. 0.8 ) by Safirul Alredha.
  21. WP Super Cache (v. 0.6.4 ) by Donncha O Caoimh.

The Libertarian in The Mission

450: Number of people that voted at the 25th and Valencia polling place for the June 3rd election
1: Of those, how many that were registered Libertarians

Last night at about 7:45pm Charlotte and I walked in to the voting place at the Synergy School on Valencia. When I was signing in, I stated my political party confidently, “I’m the Libertarian”. The lady giving out paper ballots responded with surprise, “You’re the first one today!”


We ended up staying until the polls closed. I watched and was the last Libertarian as well.

Same Sex Marriage But No Same Sex Divorce

My friend Free points out:

…Unlike Massachusetts, California does not have a law prohibiting marriage in the state if your home state would not recognize the marriage. Thus, allowing same-sex marriage in California will open same-sex marriage up to a lot more people than the Massachusetts change did.

…In addition, any same-sex couple from outside of California that gets married in California may find themselves unable to get a divorce. The reason is that divorces are generally governed by the law of your state of domicile. Thus, even if a Maryland couple gets married in California, they could get a divorce only in Maryland. Since Maryland would not recognize the marriage, it would not issue a divorce. Thus, the couple would truly be married for life, unless one or the other of them moved to Massachusetts, California, or another state or foreign jurisdiction that recognizes same-sex marriages.

One comment on her blog mentions

… Strange that in legalizing same-sex marriage, they’re indirectly promoting the sanctity of marriage (married por vida). Wonder what that will do to the arguments that same-sex marriage diminishes the sanctity of marriage. :)


Night Light at the Climate Theater


This show was quite a lot of fun. The piece I found most fun was a piece involving real dancers. A dancer was moving around, dancing this repeating pattern and I saw a placard around her neck that read something like “1, 1 2, 1 2 3”. On the wall there was a sign that read “Put signs on the dancers if you can” There were signs like “Take a break”, “Double time”, “Slow Motion”. I had trouble getting the sign on the moving dancer until Charlotte noticed the pattern. She pointed out when the piece was going to end and I got to put my sign around the dancer’s neck. Groovy.

It was at the Climate Theater.

The Telectroscope!

A Victorian trans-Atlantic viewing tunnel revitalized for the 125th anniversary of the Brooklyn Bridge.



The ends of the telectroscope had been sealed off for more than a century, forgotten… almost.

Find out more about the Telectroscope here and here. I found out about the Telectroscope when looking over my blog logs. A Metafilter article talked about both it and my Alameda-Weehawken article.

Where to Buy Dry Ice

Airgas sells dry ice under the Penguin Brand name all over the place. Find out exactly where you can buy dry ice in supermarkets. I found this dry ice box in the front of a Safeway in San Jose.


You are Jayne, the Merc

You have a unique sense of fashionable hats and a discomforting closeness with your firearms. You may be the object of adulation for a small group of people.

Take the Which Firefly guy are you? Quiz at


I sent this reply to Rick about… well, read for yourself

Don’t tell Charlotte. She wants a motorcycle but refuses to get one because she knows it’d be WAY too dangerous for her. And I should definitley NOT get a jet pack!

——– Original Message ————-
From: Rick Taylor
Sent: Sunday, May 18, 2008 10:35 PM
To: Lee Sonko
Subject: Yves Rossy

You heard of this guy? Reminded me of your RC wings, thought you would be interested.
——– End of Original Message ——

Molecular Gastronomy

I went to a molecular gastronomy talk put on by Michael Zbyszynski at Maker Faire a few weeks ago. Here’s the bullet points I wanted to remember

Get supplies here: 315 Sutter Street on the 5th Floor

Recipes: Read the “Hydrocolloid Recipe Book

Sous Vide cooking (pronounced “sue veed”) is used by about 60% of the food on your plate at most restaurants.

Carrot Juice Caviar recipe:
a very interesting example as to what you can do with molecular gastronomy

A blog I found on the subject