Archive for the ‘General’ Category.

The Most Exciting Baby Shower This Year

Make sure to read the bottom part too!

Hallie’s Baby Shower
Celebrant: Hallie McConlogue
Baby: Pumpkin unit 1
Event Date: 2008-08-16Trailer Trash /punk/hippy themed baby shower at the encounter Studio. Come as you are or in theme.

Time:2pm – 6pm
Where:The Encounter Studio
555 De Haro St Suite 120
San Francisco, CA 94107

Look for the 2 stone griffins around the ivy hidden outter door in the back of the parking lot.

Call hallie for directions if you need em:

408 956-xxxx

Item Description Wants Has Needs  
An evening of babysitting. We can take as many of these as people want to give … warning we will hold you to it and Train folks as necessary.   So add a couple of hours for learning if you have no baby experience.   YOU ROCK! by the way… :D 100 0 100 Give Gift
An afternoon play date with baby so mom/dad can take a nap. I’d love to hang out as much as possible with other parents.   I love social situations!   I love to learn from others! 20 0 20 Give Gift
A second-hand playpen Extra points if it folds up small! I want baby to crawl around free as possible but not stumble into the wood shop or the power tools. 1 0 1 Give Gift
Pink Tool belt For holding baby tools with style (binkies, bottles and rattles Corey wants one too!)      

Here’s a link:

2 0 2 Give Gift
A savings bond or a contribution toward a 529 college plan. No amount is too small!      

2$- whatever

This would be my favorite gift!

200 0 200 Give Gift
baby pink tool belt for our little pumpkin to wear and be like mommy and daddy.

1 0 1 Give Gift
bored baby cure 1 0 1 Give Gift
4 hours Help building the baby loft Mostly we need unskilled labor that can take wierd direction and not freak out about Hallie’s weird labor consuming ideas about how to sound proof stuff and decorate. 5 0 5 Give Gift
black moby wraps 2 0 2 Give Gift
goth, robot, punk or hippy onesies size 3-6 months 5 0 5 Give Gift
baby sling Baby Sling : 1 0 1 Give Gift
goth, punk robot or hippy onesies Size 3-9 months 7 0 7 Give Gift
Punk, Robot, Goth, Hippy Onesies size 0-3 months 4 0 4 Give Gift
help building a rocking sleeping feeding chair This would be something I can sleep in comfortably while I’m feeding pumpkin.   That means I want to build it custom for my neck problem.   And add a motor to keep it going.   It will be half rocking chair half hammock… with a motor and a perfect place for pumpkin at the boob. 1 0 1 Give Gift
swadling blankets The custom easy wrap kind      

Anything not pastel or taupe

2 0 2 Give Gift


And from Corey…

There there I was, waxing up the wife, like a surfboard, with gallons of vitamin E oil, making her belly shine like a pink bowling ball.   Every once in a while, our baby would kick.   It felt like he was rubbing back (more likely, he was fighting for space because I was caving in his roof, but I digress.)   The more I rubbed, the more I started to recognize shapes.   We know where the head is, it’s the BIG round thingy… but I swear, this long thing, just below and to the left of Hallie’s belly button, felt like an arm.   And over where Hallie’s belly was churning like a pot of pasta, over near Hallie’s right kidney, that must be his feet!   And with vision granted by the tears in my eyes, I caught my first glimpse of my baby.   There he was, all curled up in the fetal position (imagine that!) as clear as day!

And this salt crusted face that was already beaming is now lit with a florescent glow I write you this invite.

Hey all, it’s me, Mr. Last minute.   Sorry for the lag, but I’ve always been a busy bee, and now I’m a busy bee for three.

We’re having a baby!   As you all know.   So we’re having a baby shower, and it’s next weekend, and yer all invited.   And we have a registry!   And it’s, as always, optional, since, as usual, its too late to get anything in time.

But come, if you can.

The theme is “Robo-Trash”… Think white trash…think engineers…think Burningman during construction of AWESOME kinetic art (that can kill you) under the hot desert sun! Think Robogames with less nuts and bolts and more duct tape.. (key work, MORE!)

Meanwhile, all you robots nerds, wanna help me build my new Push Powered Robo Stroller? :-D   And you expecting or unexpecting (those who are no longer expecting?) robot nerds, if you help me build mine, I’ll help you build YOOOOOOOOOOURS!   (PS, there’s more of you than you think, we should start a club!)

local version:


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Fix Price Move: Cautiously Recommended

I helped a friend ship a house of boxes from San Francisco to Boston. They used Fix Price Move.

Here’s what my friend said who was taking delivery:

Fixed Price arrived today.   After several maddening delays and an additional $600.00 (plus the $923 already due) they delivered.   They have been a pain in the ass from the get go.   Interestingly, the truck broke down in TX and the truck it was transferred to broke down after unloading in front of my house.   Every thing seems to have survived the journey…

When Fixed Price arrived they had 3 boxes from somebody else’s load mixed into ours.   The boxes were filled with old canned food and ugly flower pots and before I could tell that they were not ours I had some colorful words for you about sending us … out of date canned food.   So far all’s well though.

$1.30lb delivered coast to coast. A bit of a PITA. At least everything didn’t disappear and get sold on eBay.

And all things being even, that’s about as good a moving experience as I’ve seen at a very good price. Specifically, it was a 2 bedroom house. I had packed up everything in boxes except 4 or 5 large pieces that they wrapped and hauled, 1,100 pounds total.

Update: Be sure to see the comment from Ben of Fix Price Move below. Be sure to read for yourself but I’d say they’re a reasonably good choice for a moving company.

Power Tool Drag Races Article in the New York Times

Here’s an article about the Power Tool Drag Races. Written by Jessica Bruder. It’s a good article. Click the photo to see the whole thing.

It starts…

My Belt Sander Can Beat Your Circular Saw

Published: August 6, 2008

TEN feet short of the finish line, Barbie Airplane was stranded.

The cheerful contraption – a Craftsman belt sander crowned with a powder-blue toy plane – had been careening down the 75-foot racetrack moments earlier. Then the sander’s rotating belt came undone, stopping it dead.

In the neighboring lane, Heavy Metal Waste, a circular saw souped up with skateboard wheels and flaming antennas, had already rocketed past. Cheers of victory rang from the bleachers.

“Time waits for no one!” heckled the announcer. So Randy Lisbona, a 47-year-old air-conditioning engineer from Dallas, hauled his broken-down belt sander off the track to make way for the next heat.

That’s how it goes at power tool drag races. The premise is simple: Take a hand-held power tool. Rebuild it into a racing machine.

Charlie Gadeken, who started the haphazard sport with a co-conspirator, Jim Mason, saw the races as a way to get more people involved in creating – and not just watching – mechanical art.

Hayes Smartmodem Optima 9600

When I was a kid, this was one of the most “oo ahh”-able things in the world. They cost like $600. Now they have them at Weird Stuff for… essentially… free. It was a hoot holding one.

Fully Legal AR-15 in California: Part 2

This is a followup to my first posting of Fully Legal AR-15 in California. It’s gotten so many comments that it’s hard to sort through them.

Please make followup comments here. And don’t forget to read the original post!

Thank you.

Get a $40 coupon for a DTV converter box

I saw a converter box at Radio Shack yesterday for $60. With the $40 coupon, switching to digital will be easy.

See some reviews of converter boxes

2 Monitors

My nice 19″ Neovo monitor broke a few months back. It sat in the dust for 3 months before I got it fixed. Why oh why did I wait so long?! Using only 1 monitor is like geeking with one hand tied behind your back.

Instructables Show and Tell, July 2008

Charlotte and I were there :-)

Many wonderful creations were discussed.

View the slideshow

Outlaw Trans-fats and Only Outlaws will have Trans-fats

State ban on serving trans fat first in U.S.

California became the first state to outlaw trans fat in restaurants and food facilities Friday when Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill banning the artery-clogging oils and shortenings.

The bill, by Assemblyman Tony Mendoza, D-Artesia (Los Angeles County), had started heated debate in the Legislature. But many Bay Area restaurant owners say they don’t use trans fats, and others say complying with the new state law will not be burdensome.

I was going to make a T-Shirt that reads “Outlaw Trans-fats and Only Outlaws will have Trans-fats”. But reading into the issue further (IE, the second paragraph of the article) it’s more of an issue of closing the barn door after the horse has left. Or to be more gentle about it, codifying a trend in law.

This reminds me very much of what Mary Ruwart, Libertarian presidential candidate said about child labor laws. On 7-6-08 she spoke on Marty Nemko’s radio show about libertarian issues. She had said that child labor laws in the US followed on the coat-tails of trends at the end of the industrial revolution. The laws didn’t stop people from hiring child-workers. The trend of children not working in factories had already taken place.

Given the choice, people would rather not send their children to work in factories. After enough wealth had been generated, it stopped happening.

She talks about child labor law starts at 44 minutes, 10 seconds.

Here is the whole radio show (30 mb, 60 minutes), Work with Marty Nemko, July 6th, 2008.

Similarly, it’s (apparently) not difficult or more expensive to make non-trans-fat oils. Individuals, restaurants and manufacturers have already made the switch.

I said it before and I’ll say it again



Governor William J. Le Petomane: HOLY UNDERWEAR! People murdered? Innocent women and children blown to bits? We must do something to protect our phoney-baloney jobs people. Harumph! Harumph!
All of the governor’s lackeys but one chant along with him: Harumph! Harumph!
Governor: I didn’t get a harumph out of that guy.
Another lackey: Give the governer a harumph!
Lackey: Harumph!
Governor: You watch your ass.