Archive for the ‘General’ Category.

Trust No One – Not Even The Google

I was working on inserting Google Calendar into the SWARM blog  and… :-(


Fungal Nail Infection Treatment

This feels a little like an “overshare” but hey… I’ve been documenting the treatments I’ve received for my fingernail and toenail fungal infection. Phew, I’ve tried a lot of drugs over the years for this stuff. In high school I had it on my right index finger, then it moved to other fingers, then disappeared from my fingers and on to my toes. After 20 years of treatment (yow) my right big toe is still “yucky”.

Two other blog posts about this:
NonyX Nail Gel – with a hundred great comments
Zetaclear – don’t buy Zetaclear. Here’s why


Continue reading ‘Fungal Nail Infection Treatment’ »

Carpet Cleaner Telemarketers Visit My House, Get Violent

Click here to read my blog entry and watch a video were the telemarketing carpet cleaners from  888-587-5482 threaten me.

Their invoice reads “Carpet Steamers | 888-587-5482”

Zero Graffiti SF

I’m at the Zero Graffiti SF “Huddle” right now, typing on my iphone.  The first hour was 60 minutes of  aggrandizement. The second hour is starting with a 10 minute speech by Fred Lacosse, SF news anchor. Unfortunately it’s 15 minutes of him “newsifying” the literature we already have. He’s a good speaker but it only took me 3 minutes to read the original document. Feh.

I went outside to take a call and saw them setting up a free food bar. I’ll stay for that.

God, he’s still talking… I think my brain is going numb.

To be more specific about that first hour… Each of maybe 6 presenters had a 5 minute speech that pretty much added up to “I’m mad as hell and I hate graffiti!”

I don’t know… What should I have expected? It’s a tough problem with no single solution.


Update: Do none of these presenters know that the are preaching to the choir? We came to a “zero graffiti” meeting, we don’t needsdxddxszxdchdhdtzgzzgzgzg. Erk. My braen I’d goone.

Wait! “introduce a new program… The ‘street smarts program’…’ the SF arts coalition… Clarion alley…”
I’m saved!

Man, blogging WHILE the event is happening is weird. At least it saved me from total boredom. It would have been rude to play video games on my phone. Blogging seems much more innocuous, yes? domain not for sale / I wish I had been a domain squatter

4-20-09 update: Hmm, in 4 years not a single person has gotten a forwarding address or email account. I’m not going to offer that any more. This “domain not for sale” page used to live off my website homepage. I was moved with the site reorganization.

2-3-04 update: If you’d like a forwarding address at, write to me. For $10 per year, I can rent you a receive-only “” email address. For $50/year, you can have a full webmail/POP mail account with a email address and 5 megabytes of POP mail space. I’m also thinking of offering web space… buzz me if you’re interested. I might even change the homepage so it shows off all sharers.

12-12-02 update: I won’t sell you the domain, but I will rent out email boxes on I’ll rent out a receive-only POP/forwarding mailbox to you at a very reasonable rate. I plan on keeping forever so this could be the best way for you to get a very easy to remember email address. Email me at Lee at Lee dot oh are gee!

I get a lot of requests by people asking if I’d be willing to part with this domain name. I’ve grown quite attached to it. I got this domain before Internic (now “Network Solutions”) was even charging for domain names. I’ve got to say that when I got this domain, I realized that I might want to become a “domain squatter” and gobble up a few thousand domains on the off chance that someone would want to buy them from me in the future. Now (11/1999) I look back at the varied history of domain squatters and think that I did the right thing in not doing that…. I think.There’s a lot of issues behind domain squatting.


  • It feels immoral because you are trying to create a scarcity where no scarcity existed before. Just like DeBeers has done with diamonds (did you know that diamonds are only slightly more “precicious” than saffire except that DeBeers has total control over the world’s supply)
  • It feels immoral because you’re then going to charge someone for something they wouldn’t have had to pay for in the first place.
  • The legal battles of domains vs trademarks is a sticky, icky one. I would find my conscience on the trademark owners side.

But then again…

  • There were buckets of money to be made.
  • I remember hearing about some “big” domains selling for 100-500 thousand dollars. And it was worth it for the companies to spend that much.
  • It’s just business. (I’m not sure if that is a scary phrase in this context or not

I know that domain space is a very finite resource. There can be only one “” on the planet. I used to own several domains (6 at one point) but that number has dwindled. TJIC and I had “” for a long while. That was a gas!

Theme Song

With great aplomb and particularity, I present to you in majesty and grace the unofficial yet highly regarded theme song for Lee!

Theme song by Tenacious D (who by the way are the greatest band on earth). And no, I don’t have any rights to the song.

My old website homepage

I am so Web 1.0… Here is what my homepage looked like until today.


I removed the old homepage in favor of my blog site. I folded all the old functionality into the blog.


This is a page that I had on my website at for many years. I post it here for archival purposes. I have much more to say about food on my blog. And I can see that how I cook bread has changed. You can see part of that here.

Continue reading ‘Cooking’ »

The Polar Ice Caps Are Not Disappearing

Update February 1, 2017: This post and the comments are, if nothing else, a plea for evidence based research. The evidence continues to mount that, actually, the polar ice caps probably are disappearing and we’re probably doing it. Please continue to comment and and use science as a tool to uncover the truths in the world.

TJIC points out that the Arctic Climate Research group at the University of Illinois has very detailed records on world ice coverage, compiled in cooperation with the  National Center for Environmental Prediction/NOAA.

There is no ice crisis. So, if you please, shut up now.

Click and understand:


That image was lifted directly from the  ACRG  site, except for TJIC’s comment of course. As of 5-14-09, you can find the most recent version of this chart on the ACRG site by looking about 2/3 of the way down on the right.

Update March 3, 2013: There is a lively and informative discussion about this subject in the comments below. I especially would like to direct you to comments by Cyrus who has some good refuting arguments.


Mina Abazari, MD Review (4 of 5 Stars)

(I posted this review to Yelp on 8-8-07)

Mina Abazari, MD
1580 Valencia St
Ste 102
(between 26th St & Cesar Chavez St)
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 821-0600

She’s really good.