Archive for the ‘General’ Category.

the secret to search engine optimization (SEO)

Do you want to know the secret to search engine optimization (SEO)?

Create useful, unique content.

That’s it.

There is no more to it.

Now stop reading.

And start clicking my ads!


You are still reading!

I have teh google juice and I control your mind!

Now click! Click for all time!

Update 6-18-15: After several years of running Google Ads, they have pretty much stopped generating revenue so I removed them. Say “La vee”!

Recent Doings


* Sunday & Monday: repairing SWARM orbs for Google IO, finishing sound design, shelling etc.

* Tuesday: Charlotte’s office hard drive failed. Spent the afternoon and evening recovering

* Wednesday: More hard drive recovery, finished sound design for Orbs. Performed at Google IO with SWARM! (you couldn’t hear the music over the DJ :-(((((((((((((((((   )

* Thursday: Attended Google IO, priced out computer for Charlotte’s office, attended Professional VFX Compositing With Adobe After Effects class at Crucible, sat in on German class at Noisebridge with Charlotte for a few minutes

* Friday: more computer help for Charlotte, working on lesson plan for a Crucible class I’m teaching, tidying hundreds of loose-ends emails


The class I’m teaching at the Crucible:

Youth Extreme Gizmos

Learn kinetic techniques to design, engineer, and construct a mechanical sculpture, contraption, or gadget with lights and moving parts. Using new and salvaged components, you will learn how motors, lights, and switches work, how to create mechanical structures, how to create different types of motion, and how to incorporate switches to operate your very own fantastical contraption!  

8-12 year olds, June 15-19 2009

Cost: $235.00 (Tuition: $180.00, Materials: $55.00), Members: $217.00


Youth Radical Robots


Build a simple remote-controlled robot . From the wheels up, you’ll create your robot’s shape and personality from salvaged components, mechanisms, and electrical components. You’ll also learn soldering, mechanical construction techniques, and how to remove and repurpose these items. Each student will receive a kit of motors, wheels, and a remote control toy.  

June 15-19 2009

Cost: $295.00 (Tuition: $220.00, Materials: $75.00), Members: $273.00

Useful things to say to Dragon Naturally Speaking

I use Dragon Naturally Speaking version 8.0. It’s useful when writing long items… a few paragraphs or more. Here is a list of phrases you can tell DNS to do good things:

select that/ correct that – correct the last thing you said
correct [word] through [word] – correct a string of words
(hit – on the keypad) – pulls up correction window

Show-dictation-box – pops up a text window that will paste when it’s closed. Good for Firefox.
Edit-selection – You should select something, say “Edit-Selection” and it’ll be pulled into a dictation box.

Cap … – next letter is capitalized
caps-on – Capitalize the First Letter of Every Important Word until “caps-off”
All-caps – next word is in ALL CAPS
All-caps-on – EVERY LETTER IS CAPITALIZED UNTIL “All-caps-off”
No-caps – next word is in all lower case.
No-caps-on – no caps until “no-caps-off”
Cap-that – capitalize the first letter of each word in the last phrase, or the selected text

open-quote – “
close-quote – “
open-parenthesis – (
close-parenthesis – )
open-bracket – [
close-bracket – ]
at-sign – @

scratch-that-[X]-times – multiple undo

Moving the cursor and mouse

mouse-grid – brings up the mouse grid. Then…

move-left-[n]-characters / words
go-to-top / bottom
go-to-beginning-of-line / end-of-line

insert-before-[word] / after

select-[words I want]
select-again – tries other choices

select-[starting word]-through-[ending word]




To kill a voice-recognition action that has gone awry, click the little red X inside the Result box. That will also turn off the microphone.

To spell out individual letters or numbers, pause, say “spell-that”. Wait for the spelling menu.

The 140 Character Revolution?

I am seriously skeptical about this whole 140 character revolution. That said, my friend  Marah is going to be a presenter  at the  140 Characters Conference in New York City June 16 and 17.

Today’s Relaxation: Orisinal

Play some games.


San Francisco Graffiti

Nonyx Nail Gel: Part 2

This is a followup to my first post: Nonyx Nail Gel. It’s gotten so many comments that it’s hard to sort through them.

Please make followup comments here.

And don’t forget to read the original post and other related posts including Fungal Nail Infection Treatment and Zetaclear.

There are many discussions about nail fungus going on on my blog. Search my blog for the word “fungus” for more.

International Space Station Flyover Tonight in San Francisco

The International Space Station may be a colossally expensive bridge to nowhere, funded on the backs of the people of the world…

… but it’s going to be flying overhead tonight from 8:50 to 8:55. Since they installed the latest bunch of solar panels, when passing, I hear it’s like the second brightest “star” in the sky! I’m going to check it out with Charlotte.


Looking for cool place to make cured meats

I am looking for a cool, quiet place near SF to try my hand at making cured meats.

Do you have a basement with a tiny space in the corner?

Wouldn’t you like to see some curing meats hanging there? I can pay my rent for the space in home made prosciutto, lonza, mortadello, and salami!

The spot should be cool, dark, generally out of the way and not near a car. No one likes gasoline flavored meat!

Trust No One – Not Even The Google

I was working on inserting Google Calendar into the SWARM blog  and… :-(
