Archive for the ‘General’ Category.

Fun Weather Recently

First, we made this on our sidewalk on Tuesday!

Yesterday at College of Marin, we had a bit of rain interspersed with freezing rain! Some of the rain drops left crusty clear specs of ice on my jacket!

And on my way home, a rainbow!

Last night it rained like crazy. At 11pm, a few lightning bolts were so close and the thunder cracked so crisply, shaking the house suddenly, I wouldn’t be surprised if the lightning bolt hit the house itself!

This morning on my way to work over the Richmond bridge, I spied snow on top of Mount Tamalpais!

Making Whirlpool Refrigerator Light Bulbs Fit

We got a new Whirlpool refrigerator last week. The light bulbs in it (model w11125625) suck: they have a color temperature of about 7000k and they flicker like crazy (they flicker fast, not everyone can see it, but OMFG I can!).

What is far far worse is that Whirlpool made a proprietary light socket! The socket requires that the bulb be narrow far longer than a regular bulb.

I felt trapped with Whirlpool’s crappy bulbs! After scratching my head and getting a hint from my local hardware store, I was able to fix it. I bought a E26/E27 base adapter to candelabra base adapter. Then I had to take a Dremel tool to the adapter to get it to fit. Then I put a candelabra-base bulb in it. Problem solved.


The light bulb also goes by these model numbers: W10311527, 2260802, W10194423, WPL-4396822

Borrow Your Camera?

Can I borrow your digital camera with manual controls?

I’m trying to capture something called the phantom array effect using a still camera. This is how some LED lights flicker, making what looks like a series of dots across your vision. I’m working with scientists and regulators to decrease this growing problem in the lighting world. I’m trying to make a compelling demonstration photo but my smartphone won’t do it! Are you bothered by flicker as well? I’d love to hear from you! More.


ReRe Helps

Milestone! Abigail broke her arm Thursday on the playground at school. She was playing with friends, tripped over a rock and says that she kept herself from hitting her head with her outstretched hand. Yesterday we went to the doctor and got a splint! “I stayed strong when things got tough!”
It is a small but very real buckle fracture at the end of her radius from a “FOSH” Fall with out-stretched hand. She’s to wear her splint nearly all the time for the next several weeks.


Full-color printing help wanted

My organization, Autistry Studios is trying to get into creating full-color items. Things like: lasercut jigsaw puzzles, other items on wood, t-Shirts and small fabric items, paper greeting cards and such. We want to be able to prototype small runs (<100 items or so) in-house and then consider outsourcing large runs that are profitable.

What couple technologies are best for us? So far, I’ve been considering (silk)screen printing, dye sublimation printing, UV printing (via our local print shop), and gluing photographs to wood.

The internet is full of guides, I’m getting dizzy trying to absorb them all!

Playing Short Audio Clips on a Bluetooth Connection

I recently discovered a Very Important Thing about Bluetooth audio. If you are playing short audio clips over bluetooth (like for sound effects for a play!) you should know that the Bluetooth connection times-out after about 10 seconds of silence. When you start to play the next sound clip, you’ll lose the first few seconds or so of audio as the connection is re-established.

To fix the problem where you are always losing the first few seconds of audio on Bluetooth, you should play a very low volume sound in the background at all times! Problem Solved!

Jessup Pizza

Tonight was International Night at Abigail’s school. People were asked to bring pot-luck dishes from their culture. I brought Jessup Pizza! It was eaten up in a flash! (yeah, I think the kids generally appreciated the pizza-ness of it it more than the grownups. But hey, it’s elementary school!) The recipe came from my mom :-)

As I wrote on the description:

Jessup Pizza: When the people of Gubbio Italy emigrated to Jessup Pennsylvania at the beginning of the 20th century, they felt a need to update some of their traditions. Jessup Pizza was born, proudly featuring American cheese! To this day, several pizzerias in Jessup put this on their regular pies.

From Abigail Flom-Sonko, who’s great great grandparents were Mario Ferranti & Reginia Becchetti of Gubbio Italy, and Bernardo Norvestoni & Rose Viania of Piemonte, Italy.

I got to sample several really great, fun dishes before Abigail ran us out because there was “nothing good to eat”. The curried fish balls, Hungarian goulash, dumplings, and kugel were all really delicious and fun! I wish I had gotten the chance to really meet some people before Abigail expired. I chatted with one man for a few seconds with a 3rd grader,  which was nice. Abigail chose to buy the chocolate and sprinkle covered apple; at least it was money spent for a good cause, the 6th grade science trip!

Peanuts / Charles Shulz Museum

This weekend, family went to the Charles Shulz Museum and Ice Skating Rink in Santa Rosa. It was my first visit :-)

Much of the museum got me thinking about me and my dad and how he’d read and then set aside the comics for me each Sunday. Often, we’d talk about the comics. I’d force myself to read Prince Valiant because he’d often want to talk about it. But I was into the real comics, the funny comics!


Standing On The Shoulders Of Average Sized People

A student at Autistry coined this the other day. I was showing off an OK design that I thought we could add to to turn into a great product. I said, “I want us to be standing on the shoulders of giants here… errr, well… ”

“Standing on the shoulders of average sized people,” chimed in my student in his typical down-tempo basso.

I like it!

Suspend the US Constitution? (Trump)

December 3, 2022, Donald Trump wrote that he wants to suspend the US Constitution.


Text is Trump’s, highlighting is mine.

(Confirmation on Snopes, original post on TruthSocial, archive on

Mitch McConnell criticizized Trump’s statement , saying “Anyone seeking the presidency who thinks that the Constitution could somehow be suspended or not followed, it seems to me would have a very hard time being sworn in as president of the United States,”


Then on Dec 5th, Trump wrote on Truthsocial that he didn’t write what he wrote above.