Archive for the ‘General’ Category.

John Thomas Finnegan, Happy Birthday

That’s all!

Returned from India

I’m back from Techkriti in India! The talk went very well, the students totally swarmed us every time we rolled orbs, and the trip was a blast.

Recovering from 12.5 hour jet lag is a bother. I’ll have photos and stories soon.

Porter carrying our bags in Kanpur

Each of the 2 full size suitcases on his head weighs 30 lbs.
In the underpass between tracks in the Kanpur India train station.

Busy, busy, busy is what we Bokononists whisper…

busy busy!

Tutored 2 students today

Started teaching Intro to Mechanical Sculpture class last night

Starting teaching Electromechanics for Everything class tomorow night

I’ve got to straighten out my flight plans with a guy 12.5 time zones away. Hopefully he just woke up.

Happy Groundhog Day! EOM

Semicolon as a Super Comma?

I’m excited about this! I ran into this problem just the other day, trying to make a list while qualifying the listees at the same time. I’m a big fan of the semicolon but didn’t know that I could do this! What do you think, is this kosher?

(via, and they tell you how to use a semicolon for other, less nefarious purposes too!)


Why I Love has more well researched SCIENCE than the news.

Read this article about The 6 Most Statistically Full of Shit Professions.

And follow the links. This is science people! And it’s awesome too.

Iron Cupcake

It’s San Francisco!

cupcakesThey were delicious.

It was a crazy event!

I met some cupcakeers. They were intensely into … CUPCAKES!

I met a woman from Holland and man from Estonia who had never eaten a cupcake before!cupcake lee

Fungisil is a Scam

Just do 5 minutes of googling and you’ll realize that Fungisil is a scam. It’s almost definitely made by the same people that make Zetaclear.

Why do I say it’s a scam?

  • The ingredient list has nothing but common, inexpensive ingredients like undecylenic acid (a good topical antifungal. Buy a lifetime supply for $20 at a health food store)
  • Crazy expensive, $40 for 0.5 oz. And that is a 2-4 week supply. You’ll need to treat for 3-6 months
  • Online marketing. Googling for “fungisil” finds loads of fantastic, glowing reviews that were obviously written by poor marketers and not users.
  • Lots of online marketing comparing Fungisil to Zetaclear. And no reviews of Fungisil to other antifungal topicals.

There are many discussions about nail fungus going on on my blog. Search my blog for the word “fungus” for more.

Need Apartment Rental in NYC, Architect in NYC, Acting Job, Good Karma

My friend Laura in Manhattan needs some help. She describes it well so here is her letter to me

I previously wrote about this and got some help, thanks!

The Facts:

My apartment was destroyed on Oct 24th by my upstairs neighbor who opened a hot water main and flooded out the three units beneath hers.

There is no power, the kitchen has been demolished completely, no one can live there.

After three months waiting while insurance companies point the finger at each-other, I’ve been forced to file a lawsuit last week.

We named in the suit: Jeannette, (the neighbor who caused the destruction), the co-op, the board of directors of the co-op, the management company of the co-op.

We tried to get approval to start reconstruction on my dime so my place would not continue to rot and I could get home sooner, but the co-op won’t sign the alteration agreement.

I have been living in a hotel suite that State Farm has been paying for. They will stop paying as of February 11th. This hotel costs almost $7k a month so no way can I stay here.

This could take a year to even get to trial. We are hoping for a summary judgment before then but must be ready for the worst- what my attorney calls The Doomsday Plan.

When it does get to trial or in front of a judge, we WILL win; no one is arguing the facts, just which insurance — co-op’s or Jeanette’s — should pay for what.

I have a good lawyer but he does not have a magic wand. He is very expensive, this will probably be $20-30K in lawyers’ fees, which I may or may not ever recoup.

I have a wonderful mother who will help me financially, but she is not rich.

The Primary Need:

A place to live, hopefully in Manhattan, while this process labors on. At least for three months, more likely for six, maybe even longer if we are forced to go to trial.

This place must also take my kitty.

Best case it would be furnished. But I could move my furniture in if it would be a long term arrangement.

The place must be large enough that I can do some work.

Secondary Needs:

A licensed architect who can do drawings for the permit. I can do the preliminary drawings in CAD but need the pro for the permit, (at a great price).

Physical help when the time comes to move. Marriott may let me stay a few extra days at a cut rate so it would probably be the weekend of 13th and 14th.

A job.

What You Can Do:

Put your network on alert to help me find a temporary home.

Help me find an architect who will work at a low rate or even contingency. It’s very little work on their part, just must have it right so don’t break any laws.

Volunteer to help me move when I must- esp. if you have a car. Be my Valentine?

Let me know of any small or large design or acting jobs. Hell, any jobs at all-I must get back to work.

Help me appease whatever Gods I’ve apparently angered-Pray, Chant, speak in tongues, holy water, sacrifice — Anything!!!

The Emotions:
Did I mention Overwhelmed?

Hopeful, still hopeful it will all be okay some day.
Grateful that I know lots of good people.
Xoxo, L

If you can help or know someone that might be able to, please comment here, email Laura at ljhanna at verizon dat net or call her at 917 + 796 – 7682.