Archive for the ‘Distractions’ Category.

What I want for next Christmas: A Wing Suit

Why I Love the World Wide Web

My friend Will O’ writes:
Why I Love the World Wide Web

I concur!


From the site:

Since trying Michael Menkin’s Helmet, I have not been bothered by alien mind control. Now my thoughts are my own. I have achieved meaningful work and am contributing to society.

 My life is better than ever before. Thank you Michael for the work you are doing to save all humanity.

Make yours today!

Who Played Coachella 2008

SWARM and I went to Coachella 2008. I just wanted to note someplace who actually played Coachella…



Friday April 25th
Jack Johnson
the Verve
the Raconteurs
the Breeders
Aphex Twin
Fatboy Slim
Tegan and Sara
Serj Tankian
the Swell Season
the National
Slightly Stoopid
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
Aesop Rock
Les Savy Fav
Midnight Juggernauts
Spank Rock
dan le sac Vs Scroobius Pip
Redd Kross
Adam Freeland
Jens Lekman
John Butler Trio
Vampire Weekend
Dan Deacon
Black Kids
Architecture in Helsinki
Sandra Collins
Busy P
Cut Copy
Black Lips
Professor Murder
Rogue Wave
American Bang

Saturday April 26
Continue reading ‘Who Played Coachella 2008’ »

Sad Robots

Simulated Comic Product has this on robots.

I pledge to not let this happen to my beloved SWARM orbs!

(click for full-size comic product)

Naquadah Generators!

You know how on Stargate Atlantis they are always talking about using Naquadah generators when the ZPMs aren’t working?

Well, you can now buy Naquadah generators …. FOR REAL

It’s about $25 million for something about the size of a hot tub  that can provide a continous 25 megawatts (like 20,000 homes) for about 5 years with zero maintainence.

Update, they changed their name to Gen 4 Energy

via Engadet


This is on my x-mas wish list.

Do You Hear Something?

When I look at this image, I can -hear- something. Seriously. It’s weirding me out.

It’s like I can hear the flip-flopping of the nand gates in my brain. Not really a buzzing, more of a rythmic humming.

Or maybe I’m just hearing the air handler on the building down the street. What do you think? What do you hear?

Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen

Sony Bravia Bouncy Balls Video

[Update 12-14-24, here it is on Youtube!!]
Today’s joy:

A high resolution Bravia Bouncy Ball Video. Download and play this 78mb video. It will endevour to make you a little happier. Sorry, I don’t have a streaming version of this. I tried but the fine details of the video don’t show well as a Flash video.

Bravia Bouncy Balls Video.avi


If you’re into Bittorrent, here’s a Torrent file of it.

A skeleton walks into a bar…

He calls over to the bartender and asks him for a beer and a mop.


Today be Park(ing) Day, me Mateys

Avast! Not only is today international Park(ing) Day, (the only holiday with parenthesis that I know of) it’s also Talk Like a Pirate Day.

I see tremendous possibilities for boarding mobile parks cutlass clenched in me teeth.