Archive for the ‘Distractions’ Category.

Aggressive Maneuvers for Autonomous Quadrotor Flight

202 Funny Star Wars Tees

Where’s My Jetpack?

It’s the future now. I was promised a jetpack. Where is my jetpack?

Oh, here it is! (via)

The future is looking up, isn’t it?

Glenn Beck Hates You. Yes YOU Fair Blog Reader

This is a pretty awesome video about Glenn Beck and you.
Watch it.
It will ask you to log onto Facebook. Go ahead, it’s safe, and awesome.

Pure Comedy Gold: Insane Killer Robots

Niladri wrote to the SWARM list a few days ago:

I reflashed the daughter board on Orb 3 and Michael Toren and I roll tested it. The moment I hit the joystick the orb took off and wouldn’t stop even when I let go of the joystick.

P.S. 1 – The kill switch is not easy to hit when the orb is running away from you very fast.
P.S. 2- The box shop is out of band aids. I would grab a box but it will be a few weeks before I am back.

Something I learned today: Dark Star vs Alien

The absolute classic space horror movie Alien was inspired by the awesomely classic and low budget Dark Star! (via)

Big Bunny!

A terrific video series for people that love children (but not in the way you think… and not that way either!)

Big Bunny!
big bunny

Beautiful things I saw recently

Actually I found this in a pile of old thoughts from 2006 or so

Flying over The Great Salt Lake. I don’t think it was the lake itself… it was just north of Salt Lake City. There is this grand expanse where the lake used to be… it’s mostly blue-purple. At 35,000 feet. There are white patches that look like white caps and other faint white whiffs that look like the ripples of when looking into deep water. But how can that be? The scale is off by a factor of 1,000!

On the BART on the way to SFO at sunrise, there is a low lying area with high voltage electric lines in a swampy area. Fog was wisping about and settling in beautiful ways… playing off the sunrise-yellow morning.

Bunny Comic

Greeting Card Emergency: Very Smart