Archive for the ‘Art’ Category.

Building for Burning Man

I believe I’m going to be helping to build a really big, really dangerous, really freaking heavy sculpture to be placed in a desert for all to enjoy.

I just got back from a Burning Man preview event:

The Crucible Hosts: Burning Man’s Desert Arts Preview: Free Admission
See and hear what some of this year’s Burning Man honorarium artists are creating for Black Rock City! You’ll also hear members of Burning Man’s Art Department give an overview and highlight of Burning Man’s theme and grant process.

The tagline of the Colossus project reads “30 tons of granite and steel spinning overhead. 70 feet tall. Radically radially interactive.”

Find out all about it.

I’ve got to contact Corbett in the morning but I think since they’ll need a welder, I’ll be taking welding lessons soon. Maybe I’ll rent a video on the subject too.

Becoming an international art model

PPG and I were models for an Argentinian artist in Brooklyn in the spring. She did this photo novella of us, playing out a story. The art is really quite good and it’s currently on display in Buenos Aires!

Making Ma’at in EL wire

She’s done! Take a look

How: I got window weatherproofing plastic (it’s lightweight and crystal clear. Thanks for the hint, oh my genius sister!) and 3M packing tape. As I’d go along, I’d shape the EL wire and then tape it to the plastic.

I ran into some weirdness when I tried to run some of the EL wires in parallel. Depending on how I did the positive and negatives, sometimes they’d light in parallel, sometimes not. Sometimes the brightness would be affected, sometimes not. I think the power supply didn’t like having 3 in parallel. I found one configuration that worked by putting some in series…

Pulling a mostly-nighter for Ma’at

3 hrs sleep on Friday night, from 6am to 9am. I even woke up before my alarm at 9:20. I only do that for things I enjoy on a subconscious level. Otherwise, I’d sleep through even an earthquake.