Archive for the ‘Art’ Category.

Art Review

2006 Burning Man Art review from Moze … including…

Serpent Mother – by the Flaming Lotus Girls. The FLGs have proven that they have the biggest COJONES on the playa year after year and this year looks like thier most ambitious project yet. There is a serpent made of steel. There is an egg that opens and closes. There are pyrotechics. There are hot tough girls handling explosives and manning propane tank farms. In my humble opinion, this will be the best built, most impressive project on the playa this year.

Hey look, I’m famous!

Serpent Mother Video

I’ve been promising I’d show you photos of what I’ve been working on. Here’s a video that shows it off just a bit. This shows off only about 1/7th of the full length of what the sculpture will look like at Burning Man… but it gives you an idea.

Click on “Serpent Mother” in the middle of the screen

(His other videos are pretty cool too)

I Made This

The Serpent Mother at the Fire Arts Festival.

Construction photos from Michelle

Not my work but excellent photos of last year’s Angel of the Apocalypse
From and the Oakland Tribune

Artists tame, manipulate flames
By William Brand, STAFF WRITER

OAKLAND – With a flick of a switch, Oakland artist Don Cain sent a streak of fire roaring 100 feet into the air late Thursday, casting an eerie shadow on a passing BART train and spinning a rush of hot wind across a once-empty lot on 7th Street.

Fifty feet away, a crew of San Francisco techno-artists on a 20-foot ladder adjusted the jaws of a glowing 30-foot-long serpent, its scales and bones a tangle of welded aluminum, steel, wires and propane pipes.

“The serpent will open her jaws, flames will shoot out and each of her teeth will have a flame effect,” explained Jessica Hobbs, a member of the Flaming Lotus Girls, who have worked all year on the project.

The tower of flame, the coiling serpent and many other fire-breathing installations destined for the annual Burning Man festival in Nevada next month are part of the Sixth Annual Fire Arts Festival, a benefit for the Crucible, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the fire arts. They include glass making, foundry work, blacksmithing, holography, fire eating and stilt walking. There’s even a class on installing solar panels.

The festival, which continues through tonight, is far beyond the cutting edge – acauldron of technical, artistic innovation. It features many performers and artist groups who regularly create works for the annual Burning Man.

Crucible founder Michael Stutz, 37, says fire is maligned in modern society. Many disasters are linked to fire, he said. “We’re trying to change the reputation of fire.”

It has attracted a long list of corporate and private sponsors and benefactors.

The lot is littered with projects destined for the Black Rock Desert in Nevada for the annual Burning Man art festival, Aug. 28 to Sept. 4.

The device that shoots a river of flame skyward is called a fire cannon, explained crew member Scott Cocking of Arcata. In this case, the crew, which also includes the artist Bohdi of Oakland and Scott Simpson of Petaluma, has three fire cannons tied together. A click of a computer sends bursts of gaseous propane upward. A small pilot light flame burning at the mouth of the cannons ignites the gas in spectacular fashion.

“I was at Burning Man one year, playing with little torches and this guy fired off a cannon that sent a flame 50 feet into the air,” Cocking said. “I realized what I was doing was yesterday’s news.”

The serpent head assembled by the Flaming Lotus Girls is just part of the Burning Man project called Serpent Mother, Pouneh Mortazavi, one of the founders, explained. When completed at Burning Man next month, the serpent will be 168 feet long, made of steel, copper, glass, fire and light, coiled around a huge egg, which will have its own spectacular pyrotechnics.

The final performance is at 8 p.m. tonight. Tickets are sold only at the gate: $25 for Crucible members, $30 for non-members. Information:, (510) 444-0919.

Information on the Burning Man part of the show can be found at:

Contact William Brand at

FAF on ABC’s The View from the Bay (has a good video clip of Michael Sturtz talking about FAF)

Blanche Shaheen previews this year’s Fire Arts Festival live from The Crucible in Oakland!

Blanche Shaheen takes us to the Fire Arts Festival in Oakland, a four-day festival celebrating creations through fire and art.

Serpent Mother Buy-In

I haven’t told my readers (ie: you) enough about what’s been going on. Here’s a little personal bit about the Serpent Mother project that you won’t fully understand because I haven’t given you context.

I wrote some stuff to a guy interested in our project and then another guy on our project paraphrased what I wrote with…

Tad wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Jun 2006, lee sonko wrote
> lots of good stuff about the brain part: PD and color sequencing software

“lots of good stuff” Hurray! That sounds like buy-in. :-)

Building Big Art

what I’m working on now with the Flaming Lotus Girls
Serpent Mother

I helped build this last year with Zachary Coffin and Corbett Griffith

What the Flaming Lotus Girls worked on last year
Angel of the Apocalypse

And the year before…
Hand of God

And the year before…
The Seven Sisters

Past and Future Doings

Wednesday Flaming Lotus Girls meeting and work on Serpent
Thursday Improv Party at Mary’s… waay too much fun
Friday Forbidden Island in Alameda with Michael and Karin from Improv
Saturday woke up late (darned tropical drinks! It’s the umbrellas, I tell you!). worked at Box Shop, Fire Arts Expo at Monster Park
Sunday Improv class, hang with Harmony and Crism
–now– midway between Sunday and Monday
Monday chill I hope!
Tuesday photo shoot for Flaming Lotus Girl Calendar (!!!) What should I wear (or not??)
Wednesday FLG meeting and work on Serpent
Thursday Going out for Shameless Heather’s birthday
Friday Treesa’s Memorial Day party overnight in Boulder Creek
Saturday prep for my folks coming to visit! Chill with Andre from work?
Sunday last improv class :-(


Flaming Lotus Girls Fundraiser

I’ve been working with the Flaming Lotus Girls on this very large art project for Burning Man.. The Serpent Mother. It’s shaping up to be pretty amazing.

Though the project is partially paid for with a large grant from Burning Man, it definitely doesn’t cover everything so were putting on a kickass fundraising party. I won’t be able to make it… My folks are in town for the week and I don’t think they’d dig going to the event.

The party is June 2nd… check out the pix below to get the whole scoop. It’ll be something!

Continue reading ‘Flaming Lotus Girls Fundraiser’ »

Burning Man 2005 Pictures

Here they are! Behind these links are are selected photos and videos from my 2005 Burning Man trip.

The videos don’t display correctly in Firefox but you can get them (with a yucky interface) from here. Just look for the .avi files at the bottom of the list.

And here is my special small contribution to the spirit of the burn… *These beautiful panorama images* were stiched together with Hugin, a terrific photo panorama tool. Each image is composed of 5 to 14 or so photos. I might recommend that you right-click download these images and then view them in their fantastic high-res detail at your lesuire.

Catch my Burning Man 2004 pix too.

Colossus Images

Here are some images from the Colossus project. And a video clip. There will be lots more when it’s finished.

Zachary Coffin – the artist

Corbett Griffith – the chief engineer

More Doings

Grinding Colossus I’ve been working on Colossus the last few evenings. I’ve been grinding metal to prepare it for welding and to protect people from cutting themselves on the installation. In the image, I’m grinding the center pole down so the gussets can be firmly welded on.

In the last few days I’ve met a guy that participated in SimNuke, some of the Burning Man Thunderdome guys, a group building a giant nose-picking machine powered by a human-sized hampster wheel, some folks building a statue of Ganesh, art-car builders… phew!

Much of the time, as projects were discussed, they’d point to a far-off corner of the studio and say something like, “Those are the giant fans we used to push all the gasoline in the air before we lit it.”

Oh yeah.

There was supposed to be a Music and BBQ event just 2 blocks away from me but it got moved to 2 miles away. I was too tired from grinding all night anyway so I just got a sandwich from the shop ON MY CORNER. :-)

I’m off to a pinball party right now at Lucky Juju Pinball.
