Burning Man Profile

Megan, Abigail, and I are hoping to go to Burning Man this summer. This would be my first burn in 14 years, yow! As part of the application, they asked me to list the camps, groups, and projects I have been affiliated with. My answer:

– 2004 My first burn, I offered a kava kava drink experience and brought EL wire art.

– 2005 Colossus Honorarium art with Zachary Coffin – I helped build it at NIMBY!

– 2006 Serpent Mother crew with FLG – I spent my spring and summer building!
– 2006 I ran Low Key Peep Flambe Camp – a Peep themed camp where we brought Peep art and gave away many cases of Peeps.

– 2007 OrbSWARM Honorarium art, Michael Prados, Jon Foote, and I were the project leads.
– 2007 Low Key Peep Flambe Camp – a second year of peeps!

– 2008 OrbSWARM Honorarium art – we were asked to bring upgraded orbs to the playa.

– 2009 I told the “Brown Chicken, Brown Cow” joke to about a hundred of people :-)
– 2009 Illumination Village – my Ill Vill friends took me in after my bike was stolen

– I taught Flame Effects at The Crucible from 2009-2015, some of that fire art ended up on the playa!

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