My Current Comment Spam Strategy

Over the last 4 months or so, I have gotten about 2 comment spams total on my blog. This is down from about 5 per day with Akismet and a number of other anti-spam measures. I am very happy with this solution. Here is how:

  1. I installed NoSpamNX
  2. I set NoSpamNX to Match Substrings “http://” and “https://”
  3. I put a note in my comment file telling users “Do not write “http://” in your comment, it will be blocked.”


Real users figure out that they can write things like “” instead of “”. When comments come in, I go in and manually edit valid links. I’m fine with that because I want to review any links anyway before allowing it on my site.


One Comment

  1. friscolex says:

    this is not

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Do not write "http://" or "https://" in your comment, it will be blocked. It may take a few days for me to manually approve your first comment.