Quick Update on the State of Lee

Computer guy is a real business! I made something like $400 this weekend! I’m still selling Marilyn Merlots on eBay too… I just invested another $1500 in stock and it’s selling at a pace, 1-2 bottles per week. Living at home is going fine. I’d rather be completely on my own, but living here has allowed the business to happen.

I took the Technology Education test almost a month ago. Results will be in soon. Then… where do I go with jumping through hoops to get into grad school to get a job? I was talking to a client recently (MS) about school… He’s been in the Jersey City schools a lot. Those teachers make more, but I don’t feel very good about getting hazard pay. We’ll see.

My love life has awoken. I like it. I’m happily pursuing such affairs. PPG is great. Siobhan is terrific.

I haven’t flown the plane in a while :-(. Julian has disappeared on me. I have to try and find him!

My sister is getting married on Saturday! I’ll have a new brother, yow! That’s weird! but good. Weird but good. And Melissa’s happy. That’s even better.

My dad will be leaving for Florida right after that. That’ll leave just Noni and myself in the house. Noni will be leaving for Florida next month. We’re all going to the Siedlecki’s for Thanksgiving… I’ll be flying with Julia. She was going to fly on her own because she’s a big girl now but our plans lined up well enough for us to fly together.

It’s weird giving people in my journal pseudonyms. I don’t know if I like it. We’ll see.

Good night!


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