Real Bread in 10 Minutes at Maker Faire

Where will Real Bread in 10 Minutes be taught? Click me!

I’ll be doing a brief 30 minute version of my “Real Bread in 10 Minutes” class at Maker Faire on both Saturday and Sunday!

Find me at the Maker Square Demo Tent (located in the Homegrown Village, West Lot)
Saturday, noon to 12:30pm
Sunday, noon to 12:30pm

Real Bread in 10 Minutes Lee Sonko
Making bread is easier, faster and more flexible than you thought. You can make fantastic bread every day inexpensively with less than 10 minutes effort, including cleanup! Lee will talk about and demonstrate techniques minimizing the ordinary and maximize the extraordinary parts of making bread at home. We’ll talk about: instant yeast vs sourdough, refrigerated dough, crust, crumb, shaping, amendments, the chemistry and biology of bread, and the thousands of varieties of this staple food. Once you have the foundations, you’ll see bread recipes as suggestions instead of steps to be followed. The sky is the limit!

Real Bread in 10 Minutes on the Calendar

See My Maker Profile


  1. Damn I wish I could join you at Maker Faire this year. Next year for sure.

  2. lee says:

    And I was thinking the same about Vancouver Maker Faire!

    Good wishes to you!

  3. friscolex says:

    This looks fantastic, Lee! You’re such an inspiring teacher, even from this distance.

    SO wish I could make the Faire this year, but I’m hoping all the fun I had with Cyclecide last year will carry me through 2012…

    Have fun!!!

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