What happened to Coldforged?

www.coldforged.org is down. I hope he’s ok! I only know him from trolling his posts but he’s a good guy!

I’m hoping the best for him!

I’m guessing that he lives in a currently waterlogged portion of the US…..

Update 9-12-05
Not waterlogged…. CPU logged.

From Coldforged on WordPress.org

Just FYI.

After some trouble with my hosting provider — meaning having my account suspended for CPU usage 3 times — I’ve gone ahead and shut down coldforged.org. I currently have no intention of finding another hosting provider and starting anew, so this is the end of that era. Thanks to those who read and those who found my plugins helpful.

My plugins, Enhanced Views, Paged Comment Editing, Image Headlines, and the Spelling Checker are still freely available under GPL from the plugin repository but I will no longer be supporting them. If by some chance I decide to revive the site in the future, I may pick up where I left off but I certainly wouldn’t count on it. And I’m sorry to say I won’t be checking back here for support questions on any of the plugins. There are lots of people using them who may be able to help you, though, so it doesn’t hurt to ask here.

This also isn’t a call for help, free hosting, or debugging my installation. I’ve tried many things — static caching, disabling features, cached gravars — and I realized following this time that I think I am using the seemingly notorious “Brian’s Latest Comments” plugin which has caused such issues in the past. However, I’ve apparently had one too many strikes with my hosting provider and frankly don’t feel like paying more or going through the headache of migrating. Not worth it. Thanks in advance to anyone who wanted to help :).

Adios, friends.

9-16-05 update: He couldn’t stand to be offline. Blogging is catharsis for him too.

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