A great loss to the world Tom Kennedy passed away Sunday

Charlie Gadeken wrote:

Tom Kennedy a great man, a great friend, a wonderful husband and world  class artist, passed away last night. We will miss him and the world  will miss him. He was caught up in a rip tide on Ocean beach and was  pulled out to sea, a friend was able to bring him back in but they
were unable to revive him.

he was love and he will never be forgotten.

More information can be found on LaughingSquid     and  TomKennedyArt.com

One Comment

  1. lee says:

    from Laughingsquid (emphasis mine):

    I spoke with Tom’s room mate Chris de Monterey and was told the basic facts regarding how this tragedy occurred. Tom and his friend Mike Tackaberry were in the surf about waist deep at Ocean Beach (stairway 24 – just south of the Cliff House) and were knocked over by large waves and swept out to sea by a very strong rip-tide. Both strong swimmers, they fought to swim back to shore. Mike turned back to help Tom he saw he needed assistance. He was able to bring Tom to the beach where he attempted CPR. EMT’s arrived and took over, eventually transporting Tom to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead.

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