PHProxy – a Good Proxy Server
The PHProxy web proxy works with Dreamhost :-) . Get it here. The author isn’t supporting it any more so here’s a copy of the latest version of PHProxy AKA Poxy taken from Sourceforge on 9-9-07. You’ll want to put it behind a password because Dreamhost doesn’t technically allow open proxy servers (just imagine the huge server and bandwidth load on your $7/month account).
Here’s a good guide to anonymous proxy servers. I found it here.
Holy cow!! Every anon proxy script out there is blocked by my company. But.. I uploaded this script to my server (which already had PHP scripting enabled) and voila! Right out of the box! Works perfect! I was on myspace in about 3 minutes after downloading!
Thank you so much! This script is the best!
I prefer CGI Proxy
PHProxy does work with Dreamhost but they will switch it off (by renaming your folder) without notice the moment people start to use it, due to its unfair load on the server. Under Dreamhost TOS you’d better put it behind a password and only use it lightly for yourself. Not sure about VPS though…?
Yup, that’s exactly what I do.