
(I forget exactly which week I did this… but the date is close…)

Friday – went to Tech Shop. Learned (pretty much) how to use a CNC plasma cutter. Saw their 3d printer and laser etcher. Met a cool film guy who is making his own camera lenses. We’re gonna hook him up with our neighbor’s friend who makes films like Oh Saigon. Also met some guys who said they had to buy all black T-Shirts because “we never knew when we’d be on camera on Mythbusters”

Saturday – Went to the Ferry Building Farmers market and got the bestest “walk into my mouth!!!” chicken and foccacia. Then we went and made a playground! Well, we actually planted bushes in front of a local school and filled planters for the childrens’ gardens :-). And we met a lady who works for the YMCA who asked us “do you know anyone who knows anything about robots? I’m trying to motivate my robot team” Oh boy, do we! Wee!

Then Starfish

Baked bread. Box Shop. Lunch w/ Jeff. More with the box shop

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