Bondville Fair Lawnmower Pull

The photo at the top of this month’s journal is of last summer’s Bondville Fair. It’s a really great, small hometown fair. If I remember correctly, the lawn mower (“small tractor”) pull came after the teamed oxen pull and before the big tractor pull. I’ve got to admit that I like this photo because of the ludicrousness of a small tractor pull. But you know what? I think it’s kind of cool hopping on the tractor that you use twice a week all summer for boring work, doing a couple modifications (lead weights, maybe rip off the muffler, tune it up…) and being on a real race track for a few minutes. It certainly makes for some pretty good mowing daydreams during the rest of the year’s drudgery.

I could wax poetical for a long while more about the Bondville Fair. The sheep sheering, darn good live bluegrass, petting zoo, blue ribbon squash, flower arranging competition, quilt displays, rides, pellet stove booth, the smell of summer, the rich lighting and geography of southern Vermont in summer… the whole thing just fills me up.

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