Archive for January 2025

So Many Scammers

I just have to vent. I’m dealing with scammer problems in family accounts on a weekly basis now. It’s cray-cray. In the last 8 months I’ve handled:
– 5+ credit cards with typical “what’s this weird charge?” fraud
– 4+ “my relative got scammed into signing up for this fraudulent thing”
– many crises averted with relatives asking “should I sign up for this fraudulent thing?” (I’m so glad they called!!)
– 2 “why is this otherwise legitimate insurance so much more expensive than it should be????” One insurance was double the cost, one was 8 times more expensive than it should have been!!!
– 1 “my relative is courting a pig butchering scammer because she’s lonely.”

All of the red flags are there but it takes a steady hand and many careful words to resolve every instance! I’ve only actually cried about it once but am getting ready to do more of that.

Props to American Airlines

Props to American Airlines on our recent trip to Florida!

The day before the flight, they sent me a message asking if we wanted to change to a better flight:

There was a flight that was actually a bit faster than our original plans and got in earlier! I picked the flight and then realized to my horror that the seats were all split up! I panicked; I had fucked up; we were going to have 3 middle seats all over the plane… with a 9 year-old! Ugh! But then an hour after I booked the crappy seats, I got an email and they had put us all in a row! Phew!

Arriving in West Palm Beach, I got a message saying that our luggage had gotten on the wrong flight! Happily, they delivered the bag to us at our house the next day by courier!


The Girl Who Left Home To Find The Shivers

Abigail was in a play! The Girl Who Left Home To Find The Shivers!
Find her in several scenes starting at the 23 minute mark! The lead role was split among 3 actors, and she was one of them!

The play is based off the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale “The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was”.
Directed by Lew Williams and Assistant Directed by Lee Sonko.
This was the product of the fall 2024 after-school MASEP Drama class at Madera Elementary in El Cerrito, California.