Archive for July 2024

Finding Audiobook and Books for Abigail and the Family

Here’s some good resources for finding audiobooks for our Yellowstone trip. These all depend on our public library.


NovelList Plus helps find good reads. Start at the Contra Costa County Library. Click on Digital Resources | View All A-Z | Click on NovelList Plus. Look around. A nice feature is clicking Read-Alikes View All in the upper right corner of most searches. Search results aren’t necessarily at our library.

– Similar Title recommendations at CCCLib: Search for a book we loved, scroll down to the recommendations area, look around. Results will be books (and maybe audiobooks) at CCCLib.

Hoopla has audiobooks and movies that must be searched separately from CCCLib. I’m connected through the Berkeley Library. 4 items per month limit.

Latest Telephone Phishing Scam

Be on the lookout for this latest scam.

My sister was the mark in the latest phishing trend. I got a call from 415-463-7573. They had called me and my mom saying that my sister had a summons to appear in court. When I called the number they gave, 855-917-0291, they said she’d have to go to court for a $1,500 debt with a credit card company… but they’d let her pay half of that right now to make the problem go away. Yeah. Right.

I talked to both people for 5-10 minutes apiece and it was a reasonably crafted scam. But they couldn’t provide any details about the supposed pending court case, they were too quick to say, “but we can settle this right now for half of that amount.”, and they couldn’t provide any details about their own organization.

Be on the lookout for this scam!

Commis Restaurant

Megan and I went to Commis restaurant in Oakland for our 10th Anniversary.
I hadn’t ever been at a 2 Michelin Star restaurant. It was astounding!

It wasn’t a meal. It wasn’t dinner. It was an experience. Really and truly. You’ve seen Chef’s Table on Netflix? It’s that. It was some of the most fun I’ve ever had with my wife with our clothes on.