Star Trek Acid Party

Such a lovingly crafted.. umm… acid trip tribute to Star Trek The Next Generation!
The love shows in the details.

(via JWZ)

From the top, pinned comment:
00:00 Taking the stuff with wife and friends
00:32 First signs of the effects, confusion
01:30 Mild pleasure, but also tension
02:33 Confusion intensifies, strengthened emotions, hallucinations begin
03:35 Hallucinations grow stronger and more intense
04:20 Glimpses from the other side
05:05 Confused emotional responses, nervous laughter
05:56 Trying to act normal despite the emerging chaos
06:33 The void opens, desperate attempts to avoid it
06:57 Mental regression, yelling for mother
07:38 All mental defences are ripped apart, intense flow of powerful emotions
08:23 Empathy and guidance from wife
08:59 Made it through to the other side, acceptance of death and decay
10:06 Getting used to the new state of existence, feelings of relief and joy
10:55 Chaos subsides, feelings of tranquility, peace
11:59 Bodily functions interrupt the harmony, mental noise emerges
12:36 Pushing bodily feelings and ensuing random irritating thoughts aside
12:49 Empty reasoning arises and is understood to be false
14:31 Urge to defecate simply won’t go away
14:45 Taking a dump, wondering the simple wonders of modern toilets
15:12 Facing the horrendous sight and smell of excrement
15:28 Empty reasoning re-emerges as a defence and is flushed away with the shit
15:45 Realization of corporeal existence
16:06 Creativity emerges, attempting to overcome corporeality
16:30 Mental noise disturbs the creative process
16:57 Realization of the contradictory and imperfect nature of the human life
17:47 Regaining some control of thoughts and emotions
18:39 Attempting to regain control of the mind
18:53 Defensive reasoning re-emerges as psychotic delusions
19:31 Reasoning is once again blasted away
19:41 Uncertain feelings of triumph
19:53 Slowly learning to feel pleasure and joy again
20:39 Bodily functions once again interrupt, but there’s no threat of excrement
20:49 Focusing on the more pleasurable sides of existence
21:36 Melancholy tranquility, peace
22:43 Sudden horror and confusion
23:15 Finding strenght, fighting back
23:32 Integrating the horrors
23:47 Relaxing despite the emergence of worst fears, dancing with the boogie-man
24:36 Serenity, reaching the peak
25:06 Realizing that energy drinks are from the Devil
25:30 True creativity emerges, riding the stream of pure Love
26:31 The peak is over, memories of mortal existence start to emerge
27:16 Trying in vain to return to the angelic state
27:54 Fatigue ensues
28:06 Bowel movements wake the body up and rush it back to the toilet
28:18 Only a fart, no excrement in pants – feeling the relief
28:25 The toilet still gives rise to feelings of wonder
28:41 Sudden rush of painful memories, intense feelings of shame, sadness and hate
29:01 Fighting back so hard that the trip seems to vanish
29:04 Thinking back, slight feelings of suspicion
30:00 Realizing that it’s not over yet
30:06 The trip returns with a strong and uneasy flow of emotions
30:34 The flow suddenly ends and an uncertain bodily feeling arises
30:55 Foul bodily smells once again give rise to the fear of excrement
31:06 The situation seems serious this time but once again it’s only a fart
31:29 The trip seems to be subsiding and it is time to wonder out to the nature
32:50 Identifying with all the miraculous little critters
34:03 Marvelling the beauty of nature, rediscovering love
34:20 Feeling young again, making out with wife
34:41 Back home again, enjoying the pleasures of modern electronics
35:45 Bodily functions start to feel more natural, but still unpleasant
36:40 Reason re-emerges, this time to help integrate the fading experience
38:33 Soul is pulled back from the astral plane
39:03 The trip is over, intense feelings of relief and joy
40:51 Avoiding difficult thoughts through self-deception has become more difficult

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