Archive for August 2018

Wedding Photography

I overheard a conversation among some people that had hired wedding photographers. some weren’t happy with the results… not enough photos, not dynamic shooting, “could have done as well myself”…

It reminded me that Megan and I are VERY happy with the wedding photography we got from Lydia Daniller  some 4 years ago!

Chez Panisse: Bucket List Check Mark!

This message is about 11 months overdue but I still have to say that last September, for our birthdays, Megan and I went to Chez Panisse for lunch. It was an amazing food experience, a culinary touchstone for years to come! Going to Chez Panisse had been on my bucket list for almost 20 years and, having gone, yes, it deserved its place!

Dearly Loving Fire

I still dearly love fire. I saw this today and squealed with delight!
(click to load the 10 second video or go to the link below)



3D Dinosaur

Abigail demanded that this cute dinosaur be her first 3D printed toy. Michael’s brother Devon printed it for her and she loves it!

3D printed dino

On our way

Family is in our way to Pomona to celebrate my niece’s white-coat ceremony to become an osteopathic doctor!