Archive for May 2018

Don’t Buy Huel

I signed up for this meal replacement drink called Huel. In brief, it disagrees with my tummy just like LOTS of other people. I called them several times asking for help and got no response. I’m now in dispute resolution with Paypal. Don’t buy Huel. It might work for you but if it doesn’t, you’ll have to pull teeth to return it.

Try googling “huel farts” or “huel stomach ache”. Or don’t and just trust me that this is a problem.

From the Archive: I’m For Hire

In a fit of nostalgia, I’m going to leave this here… It’s a blog post I made around July 2005 that I had taken down for a long time.


Lee isn’t quite a software engineer, and he’s not quite a sysadmin. He’s what you’d call a computer handyman. He shows up with his bucket of cybertools, and fixes what ails you, whether it’s a cyber-garbage-disposal that’s jammed, or a Interweb-door with squeaky hinges, or anything else…

– A satisfied client

I currently telecommute to an office in New York City part-timefull time (as of 9-27-05). I am available to help you the rest of the time!

I’m currently based in San Francisco, CA. Of course, I can telecommute anywhere in the world.

From 2003 to early 2005, I operated a business called “The Computer Guy” in Hackettstown, NJ. My business statement was, “I go to people’s homes and small businesses, fix their computers and show them how they work.” I have over 150 satisfied customers, many with repeat business, from this venture.

A full listing of the computer services I can perform would be quite unweildy. Instead, here is a brief overview:

  • Part time IT department – Your 5 person office doesn’t need a full time computer guy.
  • Software Quality Assurance – I’ve held manyQA engineer positions
  • Customer Support – I’ve been a representative and CS Department manager
  • Windows, *nix and a bit of Mac. Servers, services, tools, graphic design & layout.
  • Make your WordPress blog shine – spam-proofing, layout, back-end tools
  • Networking – running wire, connecting computers
  • Spam prevention – I hate spam, I know how to stop those vile people and I can help you.
  • Virus/adware/spyware prevention and recovery
  • Small jobs – “make my new digitial camera useful”, “show me how to sell stuff on eBay”, “let me get to my company’s network from home”, “help me buy a computer”, “put my record collection on CDs”, while I’m at it, I can even make that awful bundle of wires behind your desk not look like such such a fire hazard.

I charge $70/hour for general services, $40/hr if we schedule 3 or more training sessions. I charge 1/2 of my hourly rate for travel if my round-trip time is more than 1 hour. I am also willing to telecommute. I will, of course give you a free estimate for any services. I like what I do and it shows. I hold my work to the highest standards of integrity. Regardless of the task, I have fanatic attention to detail and completeness when such attention is called for.Feel free to contact me. You can browse my resume. I can give you many excellent references.

Vote For My Bride’s Wedding Ring

I designed Megan’s wedding ring. The jeweler who made the stone is holding a contest for the best jewelry. If you love Megan’s ring, please vote for it right now!

To vote for Megan’s ring, go here and click “Vote for this photo!”

To see all the contest entries go to the contest page

And to see the current offerings from the jeweler, Andrew from, go to his site

Here’s a blog entry about designing and making her ring.


And PS, yes, I am VERY happy with this jeweler’s work! And the folks at  Edward’s Jewelry and Imports that helped me make the ring!

What Do People Do All Day

Abigail has requested to read What Do People Do All Day MOST NIGHTS for the past YEAR and FOUR MONTHS! And I STILL discover details and in-jokes in the book on a regular basis. If you get your 2-8 year-old just ONE BOOK this year, make it Richard Scarry’s What Do People Do All Day.

Lunch at Cal Academy: 1 star

The California Academy of Sciences is a wonderful, magical place, just don’t buy your lunch there. Bring it instead.

I went with Megan and Abigail a few weekends ago. Ordering food is very chaotic, the food is very expensive but not tasty. A 1/2 pint of milk and a somehow banana cost $6. I think we spent $42 and left hungry. The dining room is loud, and jam packed (granted, it was a Saturday at noon) with poor, weird lighting. Bland tuna fish sandwich. Bland chili. Seeing the broken feedback machine really got my goat.


Last night I didn’t wear my CPAP for 1/2 the night and I’m wrecked. Reminds me of how much it helps. If you snore and don’t have the energy you want to have, look into getting one of these CPAP life-superchargers!

A Simple Joy: Inbox 0

A Simple Joy: Inbox 0!

Macro Lens Camera?

Do you have a camera with a good macro lens that I can borrow? I’d like to take some very close-up photos of some jewelry.

Let’s Go To California Extreme Together

Let’s go to California Extreme Together! It’s a classic arcade games show held in Santa Clara, CA every year. This year it’ll be on July 28 & 29. Hundreds of classic coin operated video games and pinball machines set to free play all day long!

I went a few years ago and playing these classic games is so tremendously nostalgic. A wonderful experience. Join me this year!

Check out the event:

Paying for higher education with a Roth IRA

If you have been contributing to a Roth IRA and now you’re going back to school, you’ll want to read this!

You can take out the money that you’ve put into the account to pay for higher education and pay no taxes or penalties! I know this works because I did it recently to cover part of my expenses for my master’s degree in occupational therapy. It may take some effort to go back over your records and figure out how much you contributed vs. how much interest you’ve earned but it’s well worth it. My (very expensive) tax preparer couldn’t figure out how to file it but Turbotax was on the ball with this!