Archive for 2016


I just installed SSL security on  Now you should always see a green padlock next to the address at the top of the page. I installed it with the help of Dreamhost and Let’s Encrypt, free SSL. I was worried something would break but it was pretty painless.

Kim Jong Un Loves The Donald

From Reuters

North Korea says Trump isn’t screwy at all, a wise choice for president
A combination photo shows a Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) handout of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un released on May 10, 2016, and Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump posing for a photo after an interview with Reuters in his office in Trump Tower, in the Manhattan borough of New York City, U.S., May 17, 2016. REUTERS/KCNA handout via Reuters/File Photo & REUTERS/Lucas Jackson/File Photo

North Korea has backed presumptive U.S. Republican nominee Donald Trump, with a propaganda website praising him as “a prescient presidential candidate” who can liberate Americans living under daily fear of nuclear attack by the North.

A column carried on Tuesday by DPRK Today, one of the reclusive and dynastic state’s mouthpieces, described Trump as a “wise politician” and the right choice for U.S. voters in the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election.

Nuff said.

Old Age Confession

Repeatedly being down on the floor and then getting up to play with Abigail  is more of a bother today than it was a few years ago! With my plan to go into pediatric OT, I’ve got this tiny worry in the back of my mind that my body won’t rise to the challenge. I can feel how school has taken a  toll on my body with all that eating Clif bars on the run, sitting at a desk, and riding the bus! I’m so glad to be moving forward! To help with this, Megan and I have already restarted our  Cambiati/Vitaliti lifestyle diets. These are diets that have worked really well for us in the past. I’m excited about getting back to a reasonable weight, strength and flexibility!


Cards Against Humanity: Donald Trump Bug Out Bag

The Cards Against Humanity folks are the best!  They created the Donald Trump Bug Out Bag.

The most wonderful thing is that they actually  sold 10,000 Trump bug-out bags. It’s this beautiful money-where-your-mouth-is comedy thing… or is it comedy? Is it?

Here is the compelling invite I found in my inbox:  I love the last line… “are you afraid enough to buy whatever we’re selling?”

Trump invite 2


And the actual sales page:

(right-click to open this large image full size)

Trump Bug Out Bag


Art in the World

There is still art in the world, sometimes you just have to squint a little to see it.

A kinetic sculpture that mimics a walking person


A Study for Fifteen Points by Random International, 2016.

Well On The Road to Becoming an Occupational Therapist

This week I finished my last class-work at San Jose State University toward my master’s degree in occupational therapy!

The Road Behind Me:

June 2011: needing a new professional life, my dad suggested a career in a medical field from an article he read in the local  newspaper.

August 2011: Started three  years of part-time classes taking prereqs like Anatomy, Physiology, Statistics, Sociology, Abnormal Psychology, and NeuroanatomySJSU Spirit Mark

Fall 2014 – Spring 2016: Academic program at San Jose State University. An intense, highly regarded academic program, 15 units per semester for two years.


The Road Ahead:

May 27: Walk with a cap and gown at Convocation with my cohort!

June 2016 – December 2016: Two fieldwork sites, a SNF/Rehab facility in Alameda and a community senior home care service in San Francisco.

December 2016: Graduation!

January 2017: take the OT Board Certification Test (NBCOT)

February 2017: (Hopefully) Become a licensed and registered Occupational Therapist!


Island Time Approaching!

Megan, Abigail and I will be going to a tiny wooded island on a lake on the Minnesota-Ontario border in late June! It will be so terrific to celebrate the end of my academic program, the beginning of fieldwork, summer, family, Sarah & Don & Karen and family, and a fantastically proscribed time to do nothing but be.

Today’s Life Advice

Today’s Life Advice
Remember the star bellied Sneeches!

OMFG, It’s Therm!

OMFG, It’s Therm!

I am REALLY excited to hear that Therm is producing a new piece of fire art for Burning Man called Le Attrata! Their work has defined the pinnacle of fire art for me for over a decade.

They have a Kickstarter… watch the video! Contribute to the project! Enjoy the art!

In the video, my friend Sam Reese describes says about the feeling of their work, “…that boundary just past perceived fear… when most people see steel begin to glow… it gives you a primal fear. It feels like it should fall apart, disintegrate, maybe even explode.” I don’t know if that resonates with you but he nailed an important part of of my experience with their work.


What Grad School is Really Like

What Grad School is Really Like:

The Stress(ed) Researchers

Research Groups under Dr Chang - tired

OMG, I’ve got like 7 weeks of academic study left!