Looking for 85+ Interviewee
(Update: I’m pretty sure I found an interviewee, thanks!)
Looking for 85 year-old interviewee
I am looking to interview a person that is at least 85 years old and in well health for one of my Occupational Therapy Master’s program classes at San Jose State University. Do you know someone I might speak to?
The interview will take an hour or two and focus on the breadth of the interviewee’s life thus far. When I say “well health”, I generally mean that they are not having a current serious medical complication.
I believe the interview and the followup could be valuable and enjoyable for both interviewee and interviewer. The interview I did last semester for another project was very enjoyable for all!
All discussions will be held with strict confidentiality.
In person or via phone?
Laura, thanks for getting back to me! I’m looking for someone in person. I’m pretty sure I found an interviewee. Thanks very much!
I figured; but it didn’t hurt to ask! Good luck!