Looking for 85+ Interviewee

(Update: I’m pretty sure I found an interviewee, thanks!)

Looking for 85 year-old interviewee
I am looking to interview a person that is at least 85 years old and in well health for one of my Occupational Therapy Master’s program classes at San Jose State University. Do you know someone I might speak to?

The interview will take an hour or two and focus on the breadth of the interviewee’s life thus far. When I say “well health”, I generally mean that they are not having a current serious medical complication.

I believe the interview and the followup could be valuable and enjoyable for both interviewee and interviewer. The interview I did last semester for another project was very enjoyable for all!

All discussions will be held with strict confidentiality.


  1. Laura B says:

    In person or via phone?

  2. Lee says:

    Laura, thanks for getting back to me! I’m looking for someone in person. I’m pretty sure I found an interviewee. Thanks very much!

  3. Laura B says:

    I figured; but it didn’t hurt to ask! Good luck!

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