I – Independent
MI – Modified Independent
S/U – Setup
Sup – distant supervision
SBA – Stand-by Assistance
CGA – Contact Guard Assistance
Min A
Mod A
Max A
TD+ – total dependence, but attempts to participate
DNT – did not test

Verbal cues 0-100%
Tactile cues 0-100%
Visual cues 0-100%

Balance Documentation Scale
Static Sitting Balance
Normal Able to maintain sitting balance against maximal resistance.
Good Able to maintain balance against moderate resistance.
G-/F+ Accept minimal resistance.
Fair Able to sit unsupported without balance loss and without UE support.
Fair- Able to maintain static balance with UE support.
Poor+ Able to maintain with minimum assistance from individual or chair.
Poor Unable to maintain static sitting balance /s mod/max support from another individual or chair.
Dynamic Sitting Balance
Normal Able to sit unsupported. Able to weight shift and cross midline max.
Good Able to sit unsupported. Able to weight shift and cross midline mod.
G-/F+ Able to sit unsupported. Able to weight shift and cross midline min.
Fair Able to sit unsupported. Able to minimally weight shift to same side and front. Difficulty crossing midline.
Fair- Able to sit supported with min assist and reach to same side. Unable to weight shift.
Poor+ Able to sit supported with mod assist and reach to same side. Unable to weight shift.
Poor Able to sit supported with mod assist and reach to same side and front. Unable to cross midline.
Static Standing Balance
Normal Able to maintain standing balance against maximal resistance.
Good Able to maintain standing balance against moderate resistance.
G-/F+ Able to maintain standing balance against minimal resistance.
Fair Able to stand unsupported /s balance loss for 1-2 minutes /s UE support.
Fair- Requires min assist or UE support in order to stand /s balance loss.
Poor+ Requires mod assist and UE support to maintain standing /s balance loss.
Poor Requires max assist and UE support to maintain standing balance.
Dynamic Standing Balance
Normal Able to stand unsupported, weight shift and cross midline maximally.
Good Able to stand unsupported, weight shift and cross midline moderately.
G-/F+ Able to stand unsupported, weight shift and cross midline minimally.
Fair Able to stand unsupported, weight shift and reach to same side. Difficulty crossing midline without balance loss.
Fair- Able to stand with cue and reach to same side. Unable to weight shift.
Poor+ Able to stand with min assist and reach to same side. Unable to weight shift.
Poor Able to stand with mod assist and minimally reach to same side. Unable to cross midline.


Number Grade Word/Letter Grade Definition
0 Zero (0) No muscle contraction can be seen or felt.
1 Trace (T) Contraction can be observed or felt, but there is no motion.
2− Poor minus (P−) Part moves through incomplete ROM with gravity minimized.
2 Poor (P) Part moves through complete ROM with gravity minimized.
2+ Poor plus (P+) Part moves through less than 50% of available ROM against gravity or through complete ROM with gravity minimized against slight resistance.
3− Fair minus (F−) Part moves through more than 50% of available ROM against gravity.
3 Fair (F) Part moves through complete ROM against gravity.
3+ Fair plus (F+) Part moves through complete ROM against gravity and slight resistance.
4 Good (G) Part moves through complete ROM against gravity and moderate resistance.
5 Normal (N) Part moves through complete ROM against gravity and maximal resistance.

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