Archive for June 2015

Thoughts About A Patio

Megan and I want to put a patio in our backyard. It’ll be about 12’x12′. There are a zillion options. What are your thoughts? Do you love YOUR patio?
Our thinking involves: easier surfaces to have family play play time on (smoother? softer?), natural beauty (not looking like a big concrete pad), cost (looks like wood is 3x the cost :-( )

The Most Exciting Half-Hour of Your Life

The most exciting half-hour of your life begin when you click “Play”. View full-screen.

Facebookification of the Internet?

Where is all the internet traffic going? Facebook?
Here’s my daily page-view stats for the last 2 years:

No matter. I blog for me.

Baby Pix!

Cloud Gazing last week. We lay there for 10 minutes looking up at the clouds and sun glittering through the trees in the back yard. Perfection!

Abigail in the midst of the contents of her toybox. Many of these toys were given to her by friends; it feels great that friendship surrounds her!

My view as I write this post this morning!

And sometimes there are tears!

Unsubscribing From Dell Catalog

“I don’t mean to be rude but I will not buy another Dell product until I stop getting your catalog.”

I’ve been getting unwanted Dell catalogs for more than a year. I’ve tried their automated unsubscription system and online chat multiple times. I called them today opening with this line. The guy on the line said he’d fix it. I’ll get back to you all in 2 months with an update.