Archive for 2013

Music Cleanup

Here’s some music I just took off my computer for various reasons. Mostly because of some variant of “it had it’s day”

Avril Lavigne
Alanis Morrissette
Cowboy Junkies
Extra Action Marching Band – Live on the Stubnitz
Fiona Apple
George Clinton – Hey Man Smell My Finger
John McCusker
Moxy Fruvous
Rage Against The Machine

Vickie Tunes

Omnivore’s Dilema
Guns, Germs, and Steel
Gladwell – Blink, The Tipping Point, Outliers
Kurt Vonnegut – Cat’s Cradle

Radiohead – Amnesiac
Arrogant Worms
a tango complilation

Front 242 Angels vs Animals
Cary Brothers

College of San Mateo is So Pretty I Want to Cry

I started a Library Research class at College of San Mateo today. I took the train and biked up and up and up to get here. Initially I cursed the difficult uphill trip but it is so freaking beautiful here! Water fountains and grand promenades and big windows and great spaces and the view and the view and the view! I was going to ask how I could get on the wifi but it’s all open. They even got the details right: the table I am sitting at right now was teetering, I was getting ready to fix it by shoving a napkin or something under a leg but the table legs have built-in screws to fixing such things!

I was on campus just once before trying to get a class but it was at night and I only saw the registration department. I remember that was even a good experience with their nice people and beautifully laid out space with these big comfy chairs with these awesome fold-out work surfaces.

It’s so pretty here I want to cry!

How to Share Your Computer Screen With Your Other Computers

It’s so easy… once you know how!

In the image above, my laptop computer is running everything. Screen number 2 is plugged into my laptop. Screen number 3 is on my desktop computer. I made another “display” on my laptop and I’m showing that 3rd display using Teamviewer!

How I made it work: On the laptop, go to Windows 7’s “Screen Resolution” screen. Click “Detect” and Windows 7 will claim “Another display not detected”. That’s ok. On the properties for that display, under Multiple Displays click “try to connect anyway on: VGA”, and click Apply. Then under Multiple Displays click “Extend desktop to this display” and click Apply. You are done on your laptop!

Now go to your desktop computer. Connect to your laptop with Teamviewer (this will probably work with other VNC-like programs). Choose to view the 3rd display.

Tada! You now have multiple monitors on one computer, with the help of your other computers.

I have also used Synergy to connect two nearby computers to one another. You can use both Synergy and this Teamviewer trick at the same time. The mouse movements get a bit confusing but it works!

It’s a Good Day Because…

It’s a good day because:

  • I had bacon at breakfast
  • … and made french fries cooked in bacon grease
  • The Crucible tells me that at least 4 of the 6 classes I’m slated to teach in early summer are going to run (that’s a great percentage!)
  • I got so excited about all the winning news from Liz at the Crucible, I asked her give me some Powerball numbers
  • I’m about to apply for some great OT Aide jobs and I’ve got a good feeling about them
  • It’s Friday
  • My apartment smells like bacon!

Art: The Rain Room

In this installation art, you walk through a room where it is pouring rain everywhere… except in the spot where you are standing. Freaking awesome.

“It is one of the most incredible exhibits I’ve ever seen in my life. And I’ve seen a lot… It’s transcendent, it really is a transcendent experience. It’s like church.”

Here is a good news story about it

And a long form “art” video about it

I found out about this from a great site and mailing list, The Creators Project. Sign up!

Why I Uninstalled Stitcher from my Android Phone: Horror, Death and Pain

(update: Stitcher responded and I haven’t had the problem again, see the comments)

Here is my email to the folks:

In April I wrote that I was uninstalling Stitcher “because the only “daily update” news I ever get is of horror, death, and pain. Sure, if it bleeds it leads, but not on my phone.”

You guys wrote back and showed me how to disable notifications in the Settings so I reinstalled Stitcher and disabled notifications. Today the app chimed in out of the blue telling me about a multiple murder “deadly shooting rampage” in St. Louis complete with a photo of a man in a gurney being rushing into an ambulance by paramedics.

I am guessing Stitcher updated itself and the settings didn’t carry over from the previous install.

Please answer this: why should I subject myself to such persistent negativity when I have clearly asked you and your app to stop?

Done Feeling Bad

Since I am done feeling bad, I am happy to report that it is time to feel good.

You Know You’re Doing It Right When…

I was standing on the train talking to a student in my Electromagnetics class about a project I’m working on. He had come up with a really brilliant observation. His station came all to quickly and he hopped off while I stayed on. A moment later, the guy standing next to me on the train said, “That was a really interesting discussion you were having. Are you chemists?”

I responded with a glint of appreciation and a smile, “No, we’re artists.”

I revel that during the ride our conversation ranged from the nature of an electronvolt, linear accelerators, and power transformers to the hidden physics and volumetric-related difficulties of accelerating a stream of projectiles such that virtually no gap existed between them in flight.

Occupational Therapy Described In Verse

A bunch of friends have asked me what the heck Occupational Therapy is. Here’s a music video that tells all.

(previously: Lee looking for help getting OT work)

Looking for Occupational Therapy Aide Job or Internship

This is very important to me. I’m looking for a job or internship as an Occupational Therapy Aide or Physical Therapy Aide. I’d love to hear from you if you can help. I need it to round out my experience before applying to graduate school.

Last year I volunteered at a pediatric occupational therapy clinic in Sausalito. And this spring I finished taking all the prereq classes I might need to get into an Occupational Therapy Master’s program. I want to get a job as an Occupational Therapy Aide so I can increase my experience and better prepare myself for the degree program I hope to enter next year. I plan on applying to San Jose State, Samuel Merritt University, and Dominican University

I really enjoyed working at the pediatric clinic but to round out my experience, I think I would do well to be at an adult or geriatric clinic. If you might be able to point me in the right direction, or you might be able to grant me an informational interview, please drop me a line!