Archive for 2013

The Bit Rots From Within

(nerd alert)
Ugh. I clicked the shiny “upgrade” button trying  to upgrade from Mediawiki 1.16.something to 1.19.something on one of my private wikis. Now I’m stuck because apparently the <Poem> tag has broken, I can’t fix the problem, I can’t go back to Mediawiki 1.16 and… ARRRGH.

There is probably some stupid setting in the stupidly lengthy and cryptic LocalSettings.php that isn’t compatible with something. All I have to do is learn up on all the changes to Mediawiki in the last 3 years to find out what settings have changed, figure out how to integrate that into my setup and… did I mention arrrgh?

This is why (insert witty defeatist linux truism here)


OuterBody Lab fun at XFF

At XFF I donned video goggles and was asked to walk a maze. The camera was above our heads so it felt like I was playing Pac-Man with my body. Very cool.

Check out the OuterBody Experience Lab! It is fun!

The force behind OBEL is Jason FeKaylius Wilson

Negativland at XFF

I got to meet more of my childhood  heroes at the XFF event. Here is Peter Conheim of Negativland and in wigglevision!

Performing at XFF:

Video from the XFF SRL Show

local version:



Here’s a glimpse of the SRL Hovercraft by day (Hi Tad!)

And some SRL bedlam by night

Really Good Bike Light

I was riding down a foggy, dark Berkeley hill over the summer thinking, “I can’t see the road! I’m going to get killed!” So I got a bright bike light. I only ended up paying $50 on Amazon and I’m quite happy with it.

  • It is literally as bright as a car headlight! I’ve pulled up at stop lights and the light it cast is comparable to the low beams of the cars next to me. I can see the road!
  • It took a full month to arrive from Hong Kong. But it looks like they are shipping from the US now.
  • You definitely want to get the wide angle lens, otherwise one spot is lit brilliantly and you can’t much see the rest of the road.
  • The battery lasts something like 1.5 to 3 hours.
  • The ONLY problem I have is that it runs full strength until it runs out… which means it could die unexpectedly on the road. So I carry my old 1 watt light when I’m travelling a long distance at night.
  • I tried to take photos of the light at night but they didn’t come out well. I’ll just say that the hard-to-believe-bright images on Amazon and elsewhere are real
  • It isn’t perfectly balanced on my handlebar so when I hit a bump, it jiggles. But it’s pretty good… and just $50! Wait… they lowered the price, looks like it’s $30 + $10 for the lens…  total $40!
  • $40, wow! REI sells similarly bright headlamps for around $200. I hope this one isn’t going to give me cancer or something

Here are the products:
4 Mode 1200 Lumen CREE XML T6 Bulb LED Bicycle bike HeadLight Lamp Flashlight Light Headlamp (Amazon link)

Wide Angle Lens for MagicShine, Gemini, and many other Bike Lights / Headlight (Amazon link)

Kinetics Classes at the Crucible

We’ve got a great new postcard flyer in the Kinetics Department at the Crucible

That’s what I’m talking about!
Learn something awesome!
Bring a friend!


I just logged on for the first time to my entirely online Sociology class. This is one of the first things I saw:

So which browser should I use? How far back should I go?
Ah, I found mention that it won’t work with Firefox 10. But Firefox 9 was last built December 2011. Gulp.
Moving on…

Residential Directory Assistance: 411

I was looking for someone’s phone number today. I had the hardest time finding residential 411 service, you know, where they ask “What city and listing please”. I finally found my number. You might find these services useful. None are perfect but here we go:

Most useful directory service first:

Also maybe useful

  • 888-247-2425 Tellme/Bing
  • 1-800-FREE-411

It was curious that dialing 411 on my landline and my cell phone both landed me with weird, unhelpful services.

Real Bread Feedback

I taught a Real Bread in 10 Minutes class at a friend’s house yesterday. The dynamic was quite different in a home than in a classroom. The feedback was pretty terrific. Victor G writes:

Thank you so much for the fabulous time yesterday. It’s wonderful to learn new things and to do so while shared with friends is quite awesome. I am imagining many days Jill and I will spend making delicious and imaginative bread in the future.
Thank you again for the gift that will last a lifetime.

How to Get off Carpet Cleaners Telemarketing Lists

Oop, I did it again. I hired a company to clean my fictitious rugs!

I’ve gotten about 5 robocall telemarketing calls from Carpet Care, 510-699-6152. I tried “press 9 to be removed from our list” a few times to no avail.

So I said “Yes, come clean my rugs!” They should be here tomorrow between 1 and 4.

I should be getting an angry human calling me tomorrow at 4:30 or so. At which point I believe I will be able to remove myself from their list.

I did this once before to hilarious (and effective) result.