Archive for November 2013

Repaving 24th Street

It’s fun seeing the bones of the neighborhood slowly change.

24th Street was repaved on August 23rd, 2013. Here are some photos

I don’t know why they dug up this section all the way to dirt. They later filled it with concrete and then repaved it in asphalt. It’s interesting to see that there isn’t any gravel and the concrete is only about 6 inches deep. That’s not the best road construction but it’ll do well enough.

I love the asphalt Zamboni!

Live Action Bob the Builder

My Kinetic Helmets at Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design

Cool news:
I told you that I worked on the kinetic elements of Desiree Holman’s most recent art piece, Sophont. The installation, along with my bits are at the Philip J. Steele Gallery at the Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design in Denver until November 23rd!

See the whole catalog in PDF here!

I’m going to make an admission. When I first saw her art, I it didn’t really excite me but I thought, “Sure, let’s make art, let’s make it kinetic!” After hanging around it for a while and most recently reading the catalog, it’s seeping in. I’m starting to get it and I like it! Art is funny that way.

I Am Going To Grad School!

I got a phone call from San Jose State today. I was accepted into their Master’s of Occupational Therapy program!!!The program begins fall 2014. I am over the moon!

Some folks have asked what OT is… You might start with the idea of a Physical Therapist. A PT gets your body working, an OT focuses on helping you do whatever it is you do in your life, your “occupation”. Some quick examples: kids need to grow, amputees need to relearn shoe tying, elderly want to keep living independently. It’s a rather broad field!

Looking For Fabrication Shop Space In San Francisco

My friend Ben is looking for a small metal fabrication space in San Francisco. Can you help? Here’s some of his work:

He’d prefer a totally private workspace but affordability and access to larger equipment like a CNC plasma cutter are a factor. Looking to move in January or February

Reply or contact Ben directly at kibogoyo at gmail dat com

Have You Heard About The High Line In NYC? How About The Low Line?

A few years ago New York City converted an unused above-ground rail system into a 1.5 mile long park! It’s awesome.

The next park? Underground! The Lowline Park on the East Side!

Manual for Triton 1 Battery Charger by Electrifly and Great Planes

Here is the manual for the original Triton battery charger. I use it to charge my model plane batteries. It’s an old model now and the manual is becoming hard to find.

Triton 1 Battery Charger Manual


Happy Halloween 1927

Megan and I having a great time!

We party hopped on Halloween. First to a mask making party in Piedmont, then a Time Traveler’s do in El Cerrito! (thanks Jeff for lending the suit!) It was pretty terrific!

One thing that really struck me is the time traveler’s “missed connections” writing competition at Ion and Sherri’s. As you may know, I just completed writing the most (over?) engineered document in recent memory: my personal essay for getting into grad school. It took weeks of rewrites and several friends helped edit it. At the Time Traveler’s party, they asked me to write a fictitious “missed connection” personal, ala Craigslist. With no constraints at all, I just ran with it! I started absurd sentences with no idea how I’d finish them, I bounced all over the place, and gosh darn it if it didn’t make a fun story! When it came to the vote, there were some terrific stories. But they voted mine the best! And Sherri even handed out an award, a Time Turner ala Hermione Granger!

I’m blown away at how different the two writing tasks were and how much fun the casual writing was after the torture of the essay!