Archive for June 2013

Boomerang Gmail still rocks

I’ve been using Boomerang Gmail for a year now. It lets me schedule outgoing emails and “boomerang” emails if I haven’t gotten a response from someone. They’ve got a free trial. Use this link and you get a free spin of their wheel of free stuff when you sign up

Here are some of the things you can do with Boomerang:
1. Write messages now and schedule them to deliver at any time
2. Schedule messages to return to your inbox at a later time
3. Remind yourself to follow up on messages that don’t get a response within a certain time


A Phone That Lasts All Day

I haven’t seen a smartphone (android or iphone) that has a long enough battery life yet. This is asinine. My successful workaround is to buy a backpack battery from

I am using an Android HTC EVO 4G 3D phone on Virgin Mobile ($35/month) with the Seidio backpack battery. With the stock (1700mah) battery, my battery sometimes runs out as early as 9pm under “normal” usage. With the (albeit somewhat bulky) backpack battery (4000mah), I can geek ALL day and not run out of power, I can get 2 full days of light-use.

I dunno about rootability yet. The internets says “yes” but I haven’t tried it.

The 3D camera and 3D Lenticular screen on the phone is a pretty cool toy too.

Previously I had a Samsung Galaxy S Android phone on AT&T. I got a Seidio backpack battery for that one too and was quite happy with the battery.