Eye Floater ;-(
I know the exact moment when I got my first eye floater. I was on CCSF campus at a bone marrow drive, October 2, 2012. It was windy and I thought something had gotten into my eye. It only took a few moments to realize that it wasn’t on my eye but in my eye.
I went to an eye doctor who said, “Yup, you’ve got a floater.” It hovers in my right eye, usually below and to the right of the focus of my vision, but it floats… it lags behind the movement of my eye like the answer-die in a Magic 8 Ball settling in to tell you “Concentrate and ask again.” Megan and I named it “Oliver” because he is all-over my vision. It bothers me because there is nothing to be done about it and there is a good chance it will never go away, an annoyance and obstruction to my vision for the rest of my life. If I’m lucky, some day it will catch on something inside my eye and stay in the same spot; then I’ll hardly ever notice it. But for the last six months, and right now as I write this, it hovers in front of every blank surface I look at: computer screens, blank walls, blue skies.
It’s not quite true there’s nothing to be done about eye floaters – you could have a vitrectomy, or laser vitreolysis, or try some of the new carnisone eye drops which some people have had success with.
See my site: http://floaters-in-the-eye.com
Best wishes anyway.
Rob, your site looks very interesting. It’s most interesting that the Can-C eyedrops and their active ingredient N-acetylcarnosine have been mentioned on PubMed for the treatment of cataracts. For example, in these articles: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=N-acetylcarnosine+can-c
Lee, thanks for that. Will add the link to my site.