Archive for 2012

Watch out for this Email Impersonation Scam

Watch out for this scam. I just got an email seemingly from a professional  acquaintance  of mine saying that she had been mugged in London and needed money. It was signed with her usual signature so it looked reasonably legit. The email originated from (example) However, her email is actually! Note the changed domain!  Someone was trying to impersonate her with a new, real email address!

It was the tone of her letter that told me something was fishy. If something seems fishy, it usually is!  But man, those scammers are getting better.

Here is the message I got (I changed the name and email)

From: First Last

I’m writing this with tears in my eyes, I came down to London, United Kingdom for a short vacation. Unfortunately,I was mugged at the park of the hotel where i stayed,all cash and credit card were stolen off me but luckily for me i still have my passport with me.

I’ve been to the the Police here but they’re not helping issues at all and my return flight leaves in few hours from now but I’m having problems settling the hotel bills and the hotel manager won’t let me leave until I settle the bills. Well I really need your financial assistance..

Please let me know if you can help me out?

I’m freaked out at the moment!!

First Last, Her Title
Her Organization

[Her usual email signature]


Teaching and Inspiring New Makers at Maker Faire

Thanks to J.D. and Gil at Workshop Weekend, I’ll be on a panel discussion Sunday at Maker Faire!

Nestled neatly between “Combining Soft Circuits and Hula Hoops” and “Creating a Middle School 3D Prototyping Lab”!

Sunday, Innovation Stage, 1:30pm. Be there!
Teaching and Inspiring New Makers – Anca Mosoiu , Workshop Weekend , Katie Dektar , Lee Sonko , Michael Shiloh
The hands-on discovery and exploration typical of Maker projects presents different challenges from traditional step-by-step instruction. Five Maker teachers with experience teaching Maker subjects discuss their experiences.

Finals Week

Saturday I aced my Physics lab final (95+)
I’m really psyched that today I did well (90?) On my Chem exam (update: I got an 84… I totally missed a question on glycophospholipids! But still, that is an A-/B+)
Now I want to take a nap but in the next week I’ve got a Chem final, Chem lab final, Anat test, Anat practical test, and Physics final.

My two girlfriends Kim-istry and aNatily take up an unending amount of time. There’s barely room for my human girlfriend! But we’ll find a way to work it out.

Double Oh Art

How to Get Your Classes

(this happened May 1st)

Today’s fantastic scholastic journey:

I’m trying to finish up my prereqs by taking a Human Physiology class this summer. Maybe at Merritt College, maybe College of Alameda. Both schools are part of the Peralta College System. I need to prove to them that I have passed the prereq for the class, a chemistry course, and talk to a counselor to verify I’m all set.

I spent 70 min on trains and buses getting to Merritt College. The Admissions Department lady immediately told me I had the wrong paperwork and I needed to hand deliver to her a letter from my chemistry professor, on CCSF letterhead, a note saying that I was going to pass his class. Phoey. I tried but wasn’t able to speak to a counselor because they were all booked up til closing (4:30pm) despite me getting there at 2:30pm.

Then I went to College of Alameda. The counselor saw me in 45 minutes. She immediately accepted my mid-term grade printout as proof of prerequisite completion. And she pushed all the magic buttons on the computer that let me attend school there. We chatted about some awesome school-type stuff and I was on my way.

Mission accomplished in just under 8 hours.

Moral of the story:
The Admissions Department’s job is to say “No, you don’t have the right paperwork.”
The Counselor’s job is to say, “Let’s get this done.”


Six weeks ago I was in Florida seeing my folks. Here we are with my aunt having dinner poolside at my aunt’s place!

And sunset just down the street


Three weeks ago there was a parade here in the Mission. Here’s a shot rounding from Mission to east on 24th st :-)

I love da machines!


Two weeks ago Ben Cowden and I went out to the Monk’s Kettle at 16th & Valencia. I was passing the torch of Crucible Kinetics and Electronics Department Head to Ben. Our bartender really knew her beer and poured me this Cuvee des Jacobins Rouge beer.

I had asked for a sour tasting beer and BAM she delivered. My best description for it is “strange adult candy“.
And thanks for the beer Ben!


Last weekend I was at an engagement party at Megan’s place. It was great fun!

I just like this photo of Megan :-)


A few weeks ago in chem class we made cheese. This week we ate some eggs in vitro… eg. we digested eggs with hydrochloric acid and pepsin in test tubes. And we also digested some oil – presumably from the chips. The science of salsa is next week. Here you see some yummy oil digestion!


Lastly and certainly not leastly, the Kinetics and Electronics department set up a great table at the Crucible Fireside Lounge last night!
Rich brought his milk crate bots, Ben was manning Corpse Reviver and had some work in the gallery show. Jon and I brought our winning personalities. Darn it was fun.


The Bay Area Stands Out

I didn’t have any but I think it’s funny and amazing that products like this exist in the Bay Area:

Chronic Tonic Leisurely Lemonade

Why are things like this so hard to come by elsewhere in this fine country of ours? What a strange world we live in!

I don’t want to study. I want to fly

I’ve flown model airplanes. I love it. Today I saw this and… I don’t want to study any more. I want to fly!

local version:

It’s a demo video for Archaeopteryx(1)

Antiseptic Smell on BART

I just wrote this to BART:

I’m riding on a BART train with what I’m guessing is the new seat design… train #1773, April 30th, 6pm. They are very nice. But the seats and the whole car smells like antiseptic cleaner. Could you try to find a cleaner that doesn’t make the car smell so “antiseptic”? It kind of hurts my nose the same way that breathing Lysol fumes does.

I’m assuming the car received a “normal” cleaning and not some special bubonic plaque wipe-down.

Lee Sonko

Update: Michael M from Bart replied 5-2-12 at 2:58 PM

to Lee
Thank you for the message which I will share. We’ve had a very positive
reception to the new seats.
I believe the scent is just because the seating is new and the material
will “break in” after a very brief time.

Nonyx Nail Gel: Part 4

Here is yet another followup post for my very popular and very useful “Nonyx Nail Gel” post. This topic has so many comments that it’s hard to sort through them, so here is another post.

Before posting a question here, please check my other posts on nail fungus:

      1. Search my blog for the word “fungus”. . Make sure you read posts like the following:
      2. Nonyx Nail Gel
      3. Nonyx Nail Gel: Part 2
      4. Nonyx Nail Gel: Part 3
      5. Fungal Nail Infection Treatment
      6. Zetaclear
      7. Fungavir
      8. Fungavir Review: Meh
      9. Fungisil is a Scam

Thanks for everyone’s continued comments!