Golden Gate Bridge To Eliminate ALL Toll Collectors
This has been in progress for almost 2 years but I just noticed it on the Golden Gate Bridge website.
December 2012: Functionality Testing
- Toll collectors will continue to staff the FasTrak/Cash toll lanes and cash will still be accepted.
February 2013: Full Conversion to All Electronic Tolling
Toll collectors will no longer staff the tollbooths and cash will no longer be collected at the toll plaza. Instead, customers will have their choice of using FasTrak or the new Pay-By-Plate choices (License Plate Account or One-Time Payment.) Customers will still be able to pay their toll using cash in person at the Bay Area FasTrak Customer Service Center in San Francisco or at a number of new cash payment locations established throughout the Bay Area.
When the decision was made in January 2011 to convert to All Electronic Tolling, the GGBHTD had 32 full time Toll Collectors.
As of September 18:
9 have retired or departed the position for various reasons
3 transitioned to other positions within the GGBHTD
12 total have transitioned out of the toll lanesThe GGBHTD is continuing to work with the remaining 20 full time Toll Collectors to identify other positions within the GGBHTD that come open that the Toll Collectors may be qualified for.
Additional Stats on All Electronic Tolling
20 million southbound vehicles annually pay the Golden Gate Bridge toll
70% (14 million) of the 20 million use FasTrak today
30% (6 million) of the 20 million use Cash today
2.5% (500,000) of the 20 million that cross are from Outside of California…
Cost Per Transaction
- Cash $0.83 per transaction
- Invoice $0.67 per transaction
- Pay-By-Plate (tied to License Plate) $0.39 per transaction
- FasTrak $0.25 per transaction
(Image some rights reserved 24thCentury)