
Holy crap, look at the amazing world we live in and imagine the mind blowing world we are going to live in.

Short form: Take their free online class and “… in seven weeks you’ll learn how to program all the major systems of a robotic car, by the leader of Google and Stanford’s autonomous driving teams.”

Long form: I got this email from the free Stanford Artificial Intelligence class that I signed up for:

Hi Lee Sonko,

Thank you for your interest in AI Class and congratulations to those who
successfully graduated. We were totally amazed that over 23,000 students
made it all the way to the end in a Stanford graduate-level class

Due to popular demand, we are teaching a follow-up class: AI for
Robotics at . Also due to popular demand, we now have
a programming environment, so you can develop and test software. Our
goal is to teach you to program a self-driving car in 7 weeks. This
is a topic very close to my heart, and I am eager to share it with
you. (This class builds on the concepts in ai-class, but ai-class is
NOT required).

We are also launching an introduction to programming class, where
students will learn to program a search engine, without any prior
knowledge of programming. This will be great for students new to
computer science.

We are doing this with a new university: Udacity. In the next months,
we will offer an entire computer science curriculum through Udacity,
and offer certification services so that an entire degree can be obtained

I would love to see you in class again! I would also love if you could
help us spread the word and recruit students. Udacity is an experiment
in democratizing education, in making free education available for
everyone in the world. It can only succeed if you join us and help
spread the word.



  1. Yep, pretty amazing. All the science of the world, easily accessible and increasing in quantity at incredible rates…

  2. Where do I sign up? This is awesome! Do you have more links so I can share it with the Occupy USF CA community?

  3. lee says:

    Hey Lily, sorry I don’t have any more links to share about th… wait, did you mean to ask that question about my Occupy Posters?

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