Archive for 2011

Bellflower: Wow.

I saw Bellflower tonight with Laurie at The Roxie. Three times, it was not what I expected.

The quotes I read in the trailer are 100% true:

“I laughed, I gasped. I felth touched by the warmth. I marveled at how real it all seemed and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it” –

Hallucinatory. Bellflower practically jumps off the screen.” – Rolling Stone

“A weird mix of John Hughes and Mad Max. One of the most trong and stylish critiques of the idiocy and confusion in young manhood since Fight Club” – MSN

“Bellflower is an explosive, outrageous, and dynamic first film that lives way outside the margins of what we call indie film today” – Hammer to Nail

“It is fucking intense. (director) Glodell threw me under the tires and I came out with grit and true catharsis.” – Me

See this film. I could try to warn you that it isn’t what you expect, but it wouldn’t do any good. Your mouth will still lie agape as mine was.

I have literally have worn that beard.

Great Bread Class Testimonials

I’m teaching another bread class, Saturday October 1st 10am-1pm in the Mission. Join us!

Liz Toole wrote to me a few weeks ago about the bread class I taught. What a great letter!

Hi Lee,

my boyfriend Alex and I came to your Real Bread in 10 Minutes class at the Institute of Urban Homesteading a couple of months ago. Actually, it was at Ruby’s house and I think you said it was the first class you’d ever taught for them? Anyway, we had a blast, fell in love with breadmaking, and we haven’t bought a loaf of bread from ANY store ANY where since then. We also got ourselves down to Smart & Final and bought a sack of flour and a packet of yeast, but to be honest we haven’t even got through the bag you gave us to take away from the class yet.

We also saw you in the SF Chronicle just a couple of days later, commenting on your recollections of swinging (in the innocent “child of the 70s” parks and carousels sense of the word, not in the much grubbier, modern-urban usage…) It made us laugh. “Look! That’s our bread teacher, THERE, in the paper!”

Anyway, all this nonsense aside, I have a serious question for you: what was the name of the best-recommended bread book that you passed around? Was it Artisanal Bread in 5 Minutes a Day by Herzberg and Francois? Or something completely different?!

I am asking because, subsequent to our breadmaking class, Alex and I got engaged and we’re in full wedding planning / gift list making mode. That’s not to say that your breadmaking class was a direct influence on Alex’s decision to propose, but who knows? Perhaps elbow deep in flour he saw me in a whole new light…

Thanks for a great class. All the best,


Wow! How great was that. Oh and I answered her question, yes the book is Artisian Bread in Five Minutes a Day.

We chatted a bit and subsequently wrote

Hi Lee!

You made the whole process so simple and enjoyable. We loved your approach of “just go for it, what’s the worst that can happen?” and your assurances that it will, always, turn out well. It always does! Thanks for passing on your confidence and enthusiasm

Thanks again!


Well That’s Embarrasing


The correct address is

Star Trek Live is a Riot!

I saw Star Trek Live with JD last night and it was amazing!

They took the original episode and did a complete rewrite and update.
The songs rocked! Jim Fourniadis’ “strum syncing” was perfect.
The in-jokes and zingers fit snugly into the form, starting at ST:TOS and ranging all over the place from Animal House to Shat and beyond. I want to see it again to catch all the references!

The second night of any show is always a bit slow so they are offering a two for one discount tonight only, Saturday September 3rd. Go see it tonight!

Invitation to go out tonight thru Sunday

Comment or email (Lee at Lee dat org) to go with me to one of these splendiforous events!

Tonight: Exploratorium After Dark

Friday: Star Trek Live at the Dark Room

Saturday: Balsa Man AND Kaltek Robots Show

Sunday: The Mystery and Grandeur of the Dutch Baby!

This Week

Tuesday: stand up comedy at the Roxie
Wednesday: hot tubbing in the East Bay
Thursday: Exploratorium After Dark 6-10. Science with a cash bar! Wanna go?
Friday: Star Trek Live at the Dark Room
Saturday Balsa Man!!!
Sunday: free and clear

I started a yoga class and circuit training.
Yoga stretches my limbs funny. I feel all floppy after. Can’t work out at the gym for fear of my limbs detaching. I’m guessing that’s the norm.

The gym is good. Just 3 workouts into it and my strength is building. I feel more “in my body” which is nice. I want bigger shoulders. We’ll see what happens.

Just a Little Wiggle

I felt the 2.9 earthquake last night while I was going to bed. Just a little wiggle!

The Gary Hudston Project

Frontier House

I’ve been rewatching the miniseries Frontier House from PBS. Man, it’s incredible!

This show came out at the beginning of the Reality TV craze in 2001, but this is real reality, which is much more powerful than any made-up game show beauty pageant popularity contest. The program answers the question, “What was life really like for Montana Homesteaders in 1883”. Answer: It was hard, really hard, dangerous, scary, trying, rough, frustrating, beautiful and sometimes immensely rewarding. And we get to see it all first-hand! This is what “reality TV” exists for.

Frontier House is immensely engaging, revealing of so many facets of life, affirming, and true. I’m only half-way through the series but I can’t recommend it highly enough. Rent it on Netflix or ask for it at your video store. If you live near me, let’s watch it together!

Here’s the start of the show on Youtube.

Steve Jobs Joke

I was gonna make a Steve Jobs joke, but no way I’m standing in that line.
– poorly attributed