Real Bread in 10 Minutes – Makerfaire Followup

The classes at Maker Faire went splendidly. The 30 minute format required me to tighten everything up dramatically to get the message across. The students didn’t get all the info I wanted to give them but they certainly got the spirit, and some laughs! Afterward, I received email comments like this:

I was lucky enough to catch your talk at the Maker Faire this afternoon… I really enjoyed your “organic” way of approaching baking… Your teaching style was also excellent, a little humor goes a long way in education.

– James Peters

Thanks for teaching us how to make bread at makersfaire! It came out delicious the first time and we shared it with our neighbors. It was a fun way to bring the whole apartment building together!
Sarah and Evan

One Comment

  1. […] the wildly successful bread classes at IUH, Maker Faire, and WhatWillYouLearn, I’m having another bread baking workshop. Sign up and put on your […]

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