How to Install Pan-o-Matic in Hugin
Hugin is a terrific free open source panorama stitching tool. It does not come with automatic control point software pre-installed, I suppose leaving the choice to the user. It takes a long time to set control points by hand and virtually no time to have the computer do it for you. Here is how to set up one of the automatic control point creation tools.
After you have set this up, you will be able to open up Hugin, select your images to stitch and about 3 clicks later have an awesome panorama image like this:
Sunset on a rooftop in Riyadh. Right-click download to view it full size!
- Download and install Hugin (I’m using version 2010.2.0 released October 2010 on Windows)
- Download Pan-o-matic (local copy of version 0.9.4 just in case) and unzip to some permanent location, let’s say it’s c:\stuff\pan-o-matic
- In Hugin, go to File | Preferences. Select Control Point Detectors
- Delete all the existing Control Point Detector Programs in the list
- Make a new one called (it doesn’t matter exactly) Panomatic
- Description: Panomatic
- Program: c:\stuff\pan-o-matic\Panomatic.exe
- Arguments: -o %o %i
- Type: Autopano-SIFT
Done setting up!
Now, when you want to stitch images, do the following:
- Start Hugin
- From the Assistant tab, click “Load Images…”. Select the images you want to stitch.
- Click “Align” and wait a while for processing
- Click “Create Panorama”