Archive for 2009

Accordian Rave

Saturday night I went to an accordian rave. Nuff said.

But to say more, it was at the The Accordion Apocalypse Repair Shop  store in Bayview at 2626 Jennings St. Denise had invited me. I met up with Prados and Erik. Happily, while we were there we had the idea to call SFSlim who was at the pub in Gerlach. He put Jesse on the phone and we were all able to confirm that the playa had not in fact killed him. I told Jesse “We love you very much and if you ever do that again, you’re grounded for life”.

More about the music: There’d be like 5 performers, unamplified, with about 150 attendees jumping, moshing and carousing. It was raucous!

Here’s an audio snippet of the event with terrible sound quality in .aiff format.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-13

  • Wow! Lightning and thunder in San Francisco! The rumble lasted 30 full seconds! #
  • RT @erikswedberg: if going by reno anytime "soon".apparently @modernhacker is stranded you-know-where, in a cardboard box, not super welcome #

I Got Scammed on Scam School!

It was a joy getting scammed by Brian Brushwood on his internet show Scam School.

Watch the embedded show below or go to the Scam School site and watch episode 77, “Pokerface”.

PS. Don’t watch to the end, it’s embarrassing. Alexis can (please!) verify for my avid viewers that on the very last poker game I played just before being on the show I won with 4 aces and a joker, 5 of a kind, so I initially gravitated to the aces, oop! And of course, I was a bit tipsy soooooo.. :-)

Brian Brushwood crushes Lee

(local 90mb .mp4 of the episode, “Punk your friend with Face Up Poker”)

Duck Pond Burning Man Photo

Mark Alexander took this super fly photo on Thursday or so at Burning Man with IR film of myself, Coreyfro, Rachel and Rebecca. Yes, that is a giant rubber ducky on a pole in the background, Mark is a part of Duck Pond Theme Camp!

Burning Man 2009 Duck Pond 20A_0169

2-D Physics Simulators

I’ve played with a couple super-fun 2 dimensional physics simulators. I just wanted to jot down the sites for myself… and yourself.



Update 2020: I built this chain clock in 2009 and just found the old image. I saw that someone built it in 2020

Let’s go to the Exploratorium together!

I have an Exploratorium membership which means I can bring a guest for free. Let’s go sometime SOON! Ping me!

  • Their normal hours are Tuesday-Sunday 10am-5pm.
  • There is a special members-only event happening Friday Sept 18th 6-9pm called “Reflections”.
  • And there is Exploratorium After Dark! First Thursday of every month. The Oct 1st event looks cool, “Hardly Strictly Science”.

ECG Telephone Service

I am very happy with this local & long distance phone company. I’ve had them for over 3 years without a single problem. Rates are 2.5 ¢/minute interstate and 3.9 ¢/minute within California.

How to sign up:

  1. go to
  2. click “Order now”
  3. give them my phone number in the “I was referred by” field 415 – eight two one -3321

I’ve mentioned them before.

Back from Burning Man

Wow, that was intense.

I’m Off to the Desert

If the world ends, I don’t want to know until after I get back, ok?

I’ll see all you suckers after Labor Day.

Fixed: Gray Haze After Adding Toner Laser Printer

printing gray

Update: I haven’t fixed the problem. Read on…

A little while ago I bought an ink toner refill for my HP Laserjet color printer. Right after adding more black toner, every sheet had a gray haze. I googled around but found no solid solution, it might have been that the toner formulation was wrong for my printer but it wasn’t definite. I wrote to the folks who sold me the toner but they couldn’t help.

It turns out that, apparently, I had overfilled the cartridge. After printing maybe 100 pages, pages stopped coming out gray. :-)

So don’t overfill your laser printer cartridges like I did!

I hope that some wayward toner refilling soul finds this message and their suffering is eased.

I bought the toner from an eBay seller, “printdealsmontreal”. The 3 colors + black toner refill cost $70 or so while new cartridges would have cost more than $200. I’m now quite happy with their product.