Good without God? 40 Million Americans are
From the Boston Globe, a new ad campaign on the T from the Boston Area Coalition of Reason, which links to the United Coalition of Reason.
The coldest winter I ever spent
From the Boston Globe, a new ad campaign on the T from the Boston Area Coalition of Reason, which links to the United Coalition of Reason.
Who are they trying to convince. Us or themselves?
You’re so witty Ken.
Sorry Lee. I guess you could say… that I’m just not convinced. :)
It is a nice balance to see those ads–at least agnostics won’t feel alone in their beliefs as they are besieged by ads for churchs, many of which condone intolerance and have slaughtered many, many people. I like those ads.
>It is a nice balance to see those ads—at least agnostics won’t feel alone in their beliefs as they are besieged by ads for churches, many of which condone intolerance and have slaughtered many, many people. I like those ads.
I’m quite certain that ADS for churches have not…IN ANY WAY, I REPEAT! HAVE NOT IN ANY WAY…slaughtered many, many people. Nor have I seen ANY church ad that specifically condones “intolerance”.
In the case where you meant that churches slaughtered many, many people, I’d invite you name one church that has performed such deed. For the purpose of putting a boundary on this little exercise let’s just shoot for a church post enlightenment, where people were able to read scriptures for themselves rather than the elite few dictate their interpretation. And let’s exclude all cults too, because that’s just not fair.
In the case where you meant a few radical individuals that “went to church” or “in the name of church” have slaughtered many, many people, I’d ask you to illustrate where their own religious text allowed such acts to be performed or where this type of action was acceptable practice. ‘Cause the last time I checked, churches were in the business of saving, not killing people (or in the case of some–conning people out of their money in exchange for God’s favor or blessing).
All this to say that…Dude, if you’re still holding the Crusades and/or the Israelites clearing the path to inhabit the “promised land” against religion then there’s no hope for racial reconciliation in the US for the next 750 to 3,000 years. Especially since we’re only a scant 150ish years since that ended.
I also have to admit that even as a God fearing man, I don’t like some of those “ads for churchs”. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it’s bad to advertize. But I DO take issue to those ads that are intended to “convict” people. It’s just not scriptural for a billboard, less a even a believer to provide “conviction”.
Bathes in Milk, to add to my previous post, I was just chiding you about the billboards killing many, many people. :) I know what you really meant…sorta. Although it would be interesting to know if any of these billboards (religious or otherwise) directly or indirectly caused fatal traffic accidents.
Well, if we exclude all the cults, there’s no churches at all left, are there?
>Well, if we exclude all the cults, there’s no churches at all left, are there?
You’re so witty, Lee. :)
cult (kÅlt)
-A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.
-The followers of such a religion or sect.
-Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing.
-The object of such devotion.
I believe by definition of the word cult, you would need a general consensus agreeing to the notion (and at 4%, you got your work cut out for you). I don’t think you’ll be able to convince anyone that Christianity, Hinduism, Buddism, Islam or any of the like are “faddish”. They’ve been around for awhile and they’re not going away anytime soon, no matter how badly you want people to believe life is a great big cosmic accident. As long as human mortality and sin exist (and I don’t see an end to either), there will be established religion. In the same line of reasoning, as long as there is mortality and sin, there will also always be cults–people who would seek to use “religion” to their own gain.
You’re right about the non-cult status of those religions… except for maybe most Americans’ impressions of the Hindu Krishnas and Taliban Muslims (who also fall into the “slaughtering” category previously talked about), Representative Arlon Lindner’s impression of Buddhists, and the ongoing (after 25 freaking years!) Catholic priest scandals. Oh yeah, and those wacky Christian Scientists, and I guess we have to 1/2 count Scientology since the German government says it’s a cult but the American government says it’s a religion. Oh yeah, there’s also Zoe’s faith healers (click his link and read my comment about his site) .
Just sayin’.
Here are some ways to think about athesism…
“Greeting Card Emergency” very funny! and cool! Everyone else should watch it too, I think David Ellis Dickerson has hit on something here!
Those cards aren’t perfect though. I think if I were to come out, it would be as a firm agnostic. It’s keeping with the whole scientific method thing….
(the hypothetical) You say that there is an omniscient, omnipotent, undetectable being controlling the universe.
And I say, “Sure, whatever.”
That reminds me of a Steven Wright joke:
I’ll write to and ask!